5 things to do when your marriage is in trouble. 1. Confess - TopicsExpress


5 things to do when your marriage is in trouble. 1. Confess everything. You’ll only get through this tough season if you move forward with complete and total honesty and transparency. Be willing to humbly admit fault and seek forgiveness for every past and present breach of trust. Hold nothing back. 2. Recognize the difference between Forgiveness and Trust. Forgiveness and trust are two different things. If your spouse has broken your trust or you have broken theirs, forgiveness should be given instantly because grace can’t be earned, but trust has to be earned and it can only be earned slowly through consistency of action. Fight the urge to punish each other. 3. Be VERY careful where you get advice. When your marriage is in crisis, everyone is going to have opinions about what you should do next. Choose up front to only listen to people who love you, love your spouse and love Allah. If they’re missing any part of that list, their advice will not be balanced with wisdom. 4. Get help. When our car is broken, we don’t have a problem taking it to a mechanic and when our arm is broken, we don’t have a problem going to a doctor, but for some reason, when our marriage is broken, we think we need to figure it out on our own. There are great resources out there, so take advantage of them! Making those investments into your marriage will pay off huge dividends. 5. Don’t give up! The road ahead won’t be easy, but your marriage is worth fighting for! Take it one day at a time, lean on each other, and trust Allah to take care of the rest.Pray to Allah with sincerity
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 11:34:54 +0000

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