50 Lessons to 50 © In the Old Testament (Leviticus 25), the 50th - TopicsExpress


50 Lessons to 50 © In the Old Testament (Leviticus 25), the 50th year was labeled The Year of Jubilee. It represented a year of restoration and blessing. It was declared The Sabbath’s Sabbath. Fifty lessons that I hope I have learned as I make my way to 50 (presented in the 50 days preceding my 50th birthday). LESSON # 34: CHILDREN ARE AN INHERITANCE FROM THE LORD (A FATHER’S DAY RANT) Dear Chase, Brock, Preya, Ariana, Micaiah, & Reed: I have been fortunate to be with you from the time that you were conceived, during the exuberance of the home pregnancy tests, the ultrasounds, your mom’s morning sickness, the Lamaze classes (or whatever they called it) where your mom was given instructions on how to breathe (deep cleansers) and to look for a focal point – I never bought into that – sorry to digress. After nine months or so, you arrived. Each birth was as different as each of you are today. I am thankful that we chose not to find out your genders until your birth days. CHASE, you have the distinction of being the only one delivered via C-section of our quiver. Your mom had a cyst on one of her ovaries that Dr. Gerson was afraid would rupture if you were delivered naturally. You were screaming until they let me hold you and you calmed down immediately. During the C-sect, the doctor thought it best to remove the cyst as well as the ovary and sent it to the lab for testing. Thank God it was benign, but we were told that it was highly unlikely that we would be able to have additional children. What I learned from that experience is that man is able to count the number of seeds in an apple, but ONLY God can count the number of apples in a seed. I pray you always embrace your call to teach and spread God’s word. BROCK, your birth was relatively easy (easy for me to say) and things still appear to come easy for you. That’s the great challenge you face, to take your natural abilities and maximize the potential of your calling by working hard and most importantly, working smart. Most people don’t know and will not appreciate how hard you work, both in school as well as your physical training. You’re like a cob (male swan) which appears to just glide across the pond, but if you look underneath, he’s paddling like crazy. I pray your entrepreneurial zeal creates the next ( you fill in the blank ). PREYA, I knew you were a girl when I came home from work one day and your mom was about 5 – 6 months pregnant, sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor crying. I rushed to her thinking that she had fallen and was injured. When I asked what happened and if she was okay, she responded, “I don’t know, I’m just emotional!!” I knew I was going to have to sign up for sensitivity training immediately (LOL). I remember the umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around your neck as you traveled down the birth canal and they went into emergency mode because your heart rate dropped like a rock. I’m so thankful, that you were okay. I pray you always maintain a sense of passion for the things God places on your heart. MADDIE, you were all twisted up and facing the wrong way during labor. Dr. Gerson had to apply some gymnastic techniques to get you to turn. You’ve been twisting and turning and marching to your own beat – It’s great (most of the time). I pray you never lose your sense of wonderment and amazement for new things. MIC, you have the distinction of being the only one not born at Hillcrest because Dr. Gerson moved her delivery privileges to Rainbow Babies & Children. As it turned out, the evening that labor began for you, Chase had to be admitted to Rainbows separately because of a fall that he suffered earlier that day. The doctor’s marveled at Chase’s X-ray of a prior injury to his spine that he had incurred as a result of his poor decision to see what would happen if he stood on a basketball. The doctors were impressed with Chase’s “surgery”. He had not had surgery. God had miraculously healed his fracture. What I learned, like never before, is that God is in the minute details of our lives. I pray that you never lose your attention to detail. REED, I was scared to death as your birth date approached. It had been seven years since we had the ‘pleasure’ of changing diapers and middle of the night feedings, etc. You represent God’s sense of humor because we used to laugh at those parents whom you couldn’t immediate deduce if they were parents or grandparents. I pray that your sense of humor and inquisitive nature will never cease. To tell each of you that I love you and I’m proud of you, just feels a wee bit trite. But it’s true. A friend told me once, that if he had a dime, I had a nickel. What you guys have to know is that if I have a dime, you have a dime! God has a unique and distinct plan for each of your lives. Your mom and I have tried to be facilitators and get out of the way, which is very difficult. I know for sure that I have learned far more from the experience of raising you than I have been able to teach you. CONCLUSION TO LESSON #34 on my 50 days to 50 baby steps, my children are truly an inheritance from the Lord… (Psalm 127:3-5).
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 02:19:03 +0000

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