6 DONT Dos to Keep and Foster Your Momentum “Life - TopicsExpress


6 DONT Dos to Keep and Foster Your Momentum “Life happens”. You are moving along toward your goal of developing a lifestyle of wellness and quietly, yet surely, things begin to erode your momentum until, one day you realize you have come to a near dead stop. It is understandable. Yet, it isn’t necessary. When difficulties arise, whether that be a challenge to your schedule, a financial pressure, even a death in the family, you have a response. Human nature most often tells you to back down, retreat, procrastinate or even hibernate while you deal with the issue at hand. But the truth is, that reaction only further erodes your momentum. You should resist that knee jerk response. You should march on in the face of the challenge. Sure, some changes may be required but those can be calculated and implemented without losing momentum. So today, I have 6 powerful ways, really they are “don’ts”, to not only ensure that you maintain your momentum but that it will increase. Each of these measures can be accomplished in the face of any challenge, obstacle or setback. They can be applied easily, with no cost, only the sacrifice of emotions in exchange for the truth of your goals and dreams. When applied, these “don’ts” will propel you forward to success in your quest for a lifestyle of wellness. NEVER.... 1. Hold Back Your Generosity of Words It is easy to apply silence in tough times; easier still to use negative language. But in these times, it is critical to generously apply words of encouragement, hope, affirmation, strength and promise to your life and the goals of your heart. Don’t hold back, make the effort to speak good into your life in spite of the circumstances. 2. Drawback from Positive Relationships You may think you are sparing your friends or associates from your problems. You might think that you are not good company. Whatever the thought process may be, withdrawal from the positive influences of your life is deadly. Don’t do it! Be intentional about maintaining those relationships. Set emotions aside and embrace those around you who can speak good into your life; who will lift you up, encourage and empower you forward. 3. Get Stingy in Your Outlook Becoming negative about your future or the outcome of your circumstances only further erodes your momentum and ability to achieve your goals. Be generous, as with words, in your outlook on life. That means maintaining an attitude of “I Can” and “I WILL” over one of surrender and acceptance of less than your best. Look forward to the future and see the current situation as just another opportunity to empower your progress toward the best you to date. 4. Withdraw from Fellowship and Community You are a social creature; created by God for fellowship. There is never a time to forsake a community in which you can be built up, empowered and encouraged. You need to be surrounded with like minded people and you need to be connected with something bigger than you. Stay involved, stay connected, stay active. You’ll be empowered by doing so. 5. Withdraw from the Cause What is the cause? It is your purpose, your mission. In this case, developing a lifestyle of wellness. Never surrender that in the face of any difficulty. Wellness is your birthright. The circumstances of your life are simply moments in time that challenge you, test you, refine you. Don’t allow them to steal your birthright. 6. Withdraw from the Dream Closely linked with your cause, you have a dream to be fit, off medications, living a life of physical freedom and wellness; of playing with the kids and not losing your breathe, of running a marathon, of being in a professional photo shoot or simply looking great at the beach. Your dream is of a better life! The circumstances you face may suggest you’ll never achieve that dream but they lie. You can and you will if you insist on holding on to the dream. Life Happens to us all. Yet, there is a choice we can make. That choice is whether to surrender and accept our perceived fate, or to refuse to give up, to hold on with bulldog tenacity and determination until we see our dreams become reality. Remember, a lifestyle of wellness is your birthright. You hold the power though. You can let it slip through your fingers as the momentum fades or you can avoid the DON’Ts and watch your momentum soar like an eagle across the Rocky Mountain peaks. It is up to you. What will you choose? Have these 6, all or one of them, been active in your life, affecting your momentum in a negative manner rather than propelling you forward? Leave your thoughts, comments, and questions in the space below. I’d love hear from you and chat about your future success!
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 08:38:02 +0000

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