62-1216 THE.FALLING.APART.OF.THE.WORLD_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-10 N-6 SUNDAY_ America, what do you want? Whats your opinion, America? You been crying for a messiah. I know that this is taped. You been crying for a messiah. What do you want? You got what you wanted. You wanted a politician, and you got it. Now what are you going to do with it? Going to skin you, thats exactly what its going to do, going to send you to your grave. You wanted it, you got your desire. Now what are you going to do with it? Its on your hands now, modern Ahab and Jezebel. The very thing that you run here for freedom, you pulled yourself right back into it again, but thats what you wanted. You wanted some flattop Rickey, modern Elvis of the day, you got it. You wanted a smart, educated politician with a genius brain, you got it. How did you do it? By crooked, a machine of politics to bring it in, pulled it over the good peoples eyes. Now, Im neither Democrat nor Republican, Im a Christian. See? See? Both sides are rotten. But when a man that did at least display the thoughts and hopes of Christianity on the other side, and then you turn around and set up machines (to do what?) to elect the genius that you wanted. How did you do it? You put him on the television, scattered it across the country, oh, my, trying to test the mental powers between the two presidents in elect. To be the... You elected the one you thought that had the genius brain, and not looking what was behind it. 62-1216 THE.FALLING.APART.OF.THE.WORLD_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-10 N-6 SUNDAY_ You see what you got in your bargain? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Oh, its Christmas again. Yeah, America got her messiah, what are you going to do with him? Watch him what he does to you. You just remember, just like Hitler did to Germany. You just remember, keep that on your mind. It is taped. Yeah. You got it. Yet, there was still enough from these revivals thats passed the country, enough decent people left with God-fearing minds in them, that would have made the thing and held it a little longer. But you invented yourself, by your mechanics, a machine that could cheat on votes, and your own newspapers scattered it across the country, and you done nothing about it to straighten it up. But you got it. Thats the kind of a messiah they wanted, so I guess they may be at rest, they got a genius, a brain, sure, smart, highly educated.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 05:36:54 +0000

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