69 facts about me. 1. Shania Clough roped me into this. 2. Im - TopicsExpress


69 facts about me. 1. Shania Clough roped me into this. 2. Im obsessed with the band Kiss, I could answer any question about them. 3. Peter Criss and Ace Frehley are my role models. 4. I prolly listen to music that were in your parents/ grandparents time. 5. Adylina is my sister and one of my best friends even though she doesnt agree with how Im livin my life. 6. I look up to my brother. 7. Im a very spiritual human being. 8. Im a free spirit and connect myself to older times. 9. My friends and family think I should be an author. 10. I want to be a therapist for troubled teens. 11. I went to my first party at the age of 15. 12. There are 5 great men at the West Point Cemetary who I look up to and miss very much. 13. Most people mistake my sarcasm for blunt rudeness. 14. So far high school has been a way for me to get acquainted with myself for I find myself as sort of a loner. 15. Ive lost one of the longest greatest friends Ive ever had this year. Cierra Alexis Merrill 16. I went through a time of depression and am just now seeing the light. 17. I went to a frat once with Molly and ran from the cops. Not my proudest moment. 18. Bdubs is one of my favorite places to eat at. 19. I got kicked off cheerleading for getting into too much trouble. 20. Theres rumor I mooned Mrs. Cleveland. Those accusations are false. 21. Im obsessed with Scarface. 22. I cried when Tony Montana died at the end of Scarface. 23. I find Al Pacino to be one of the greatest actors of all time. 24. I believe James Dean is a legend. 25. I used to be so obsessed with Buffy The Vampire Slayer. 26. Detroit Rock City is one of my all time favorite movies. 27. Pineapple Express is another one. 28. Im obsessed with Patrick Swayze. 29. I wish I grew up in the 60s. 30. Posting this is starting to be a pain in the ass. 31. My favorite color is purple. 32. If someone refers to me as a child, I instantly get pissed. 33. Ever since I got a job Ive been paying for my own stuff. 34. It pisses me off when parents spoil their kids. 35. I was in Girl Scouts with Morgan . 36. Im very close with my father, I dont know what Id ever do without him. 37. I didnt have a very good childhood. 38. My rooms in an attic. 39. Ive attached to every animal Ive ever owned. 40. My life has changed for the better this past year. 41. I see things with much deeper thought and meaning now. 42. My cars name is Beth. She was named after Peter Criss song, Beth. 43. We have a dog named Leo, hes 16 years old and like a brother to me. 44. I love going to the Arnis in Shadeland, my grandparents always took me there. 45. My Aunt Joyce is like a second grandmother to me. 46. I wanted a truck for my first vehicle. 47. I used to be loud and obnoxious in jr. High. 48. Im pretty much on a first name basis with the principal at my high school. 49. Ive really mellowed out this year, Ive only been in iss once this year. 50. I hate Spanish class and am only taking it because I love the teacher. 51. My keyboard on my phone is becoming retarded and slow because this status is so long. 52. Im talking to the most sweetest guy on earth right now. 53. My dream is to get out of this God forsaken county. 54. I tend to wear my emotions. 55. I was the one who sprayed Axe in the hallway today. 🙊 56. I ran away from home once. 57. I have road rage. 58. Overall I have bad anger issues. 59. I plan to graduate midterm this year. 60. I plan on attending college in January. 61. My body feels young, but my soul feels old. 62. I believe in learning how to love and forgetting how to hate. 63. Im very laid-back. 64. I feel like Im as close to Haley Jo as I am her mother, Kourtney Jo . 65. Erika Dawn has become one of my best friends. And Im glad for that. 😊 66. I want a lot of tattoos, but they will all have meaning. 67. I would like to name my first son Talbot, after my uncle John, who I never got to meet. I want no one to mistake this fact. I am 17, I am NOT ready to have children yet!!! But I do support teen mothers who are strong enough to raise a child on their own. 68. Im starting to evolve my life so that I can live at peace with myself and others. 69. I strongly believe that if youve read these 69 facts about me that you must be bored or youre oddly interested in me.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:46:38 +0000

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