8 REASONS TO MAKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND YOUR EX 8. She’s Too Controlling When you girlfriend has the final say on anything you do, it’s probably time you take a stand. It isn’t healthy to be told who, what, when, where, why, and how, and it’s most definitely not fun. Compromise is good, but there’s a fine line between compromising and whipped, and if your line is perforated, it’s time to abandon ship. 7. Is She Spying? If your girlfriend’s rummaging through your inbox or can’t keep herself from snooping through your things, you’re going to have a bad time. She’s insecure, and unless you feel like trying to fix that incredibly deep-seated problem, it’s probably time to take Ol’ Yeller out behind the barn. She doesn’t trust you, and that just isn’t healthy. More so than that, it’s going to heavily stress you out. It may be that you’re giving off some subconscious signals that you want out, or it may be past experience, but in either case, you’re going to wind up feeling like a fox in a bear trap if you don’t get out of there. 6. Is Her Voice like Nails on a Chalkboard? Is the sound of her voice making you grind your teeth? That’s your brain trying to say: “Newsflash, this isn’t going to work out!” If you overlooked things in the past and they’re starting to wear you down, or if you’re still trying to pretend that you’re not bothered, if you’re honest with yourself, I think you’ll find that you already know things won’t be getting better. 5. How’s the S..? There’s a difference between a dry spell and a desert, and if your s life has about as much going on as a tree sloth in a coma, it might be a sign that the spark is gone. While there are sometimes ways to reignite it, you’re often better off moving on with life if things haven’t gotten too serious yet. 4. Is She Actually Around? Whether or not you want to admit it, you have emotional needs. Sometimes a man just needs to let things out, whether because they’re bugging him, or because he needs somebody to bounce thoughts off of. If you find yourself texting her and not getting a reply for hours, or if you haven’t seen her in days, it’s probably time to call it quits. After all, if you wanted a long-distance relationship, you’d be signing yourself up for a free trial on E-Harmony instead of reading this right now. 3. Now I Ain’t Sayin’ She’s a Gold Digger, but- Which does she seem more interested in, you or your shiny new car? Does she constantly drag you to go shopping and leave your wallet feeling very empty at the end of the day? There’s a difference between your woman liking you and her liking what you have, and if you’re not careful, you may find yourself quickly parting with your possessions in the divorce settlement. Ditch her. 2. Is She a Flirt or a Skirt? If your girlfriend’s flirting with any cute guy who shows her affection, it could mean one of two things. Either she’s trying to make you jealous for reasons only she’s privy to, or she’s trying to keep her options open because she doesn’t expect things to get too serious. Either way, it’s going to feel like a punch in the gut every time you see it. Try paying her a bit of attention; a romantic date and a few phone calls throughout the day to check up on her may be just what she needs. If her bad habit’s still making itself known, it might be time to cull the herd. 1. Does She Care about Her Appearance? Look, no guy wants to be the one girls whisper about in their social circles. “Oh, did you hear about Ricky? I heard he left Karen just because she gained a few pounds, he’s so shallow!” Yeah, nobody wants to be that guy. But there’s actually a valid psychological explanation for why you should consider looking for other romantic ties to form if she lets herself go. If she’s not caring about her appearance, it shows that she’s lost interest in a large part of her life, and it’s very possible that you’ll be the next thing on her chopping block. Try to give her an excuse to doll herself up, remind her how good it feels to know she’s got all eyes on her, maybe take her out to a nice restaurant. If that doesn’t work…you know the drill. Just be on your way. Saw dis on ma news feed ^__^ MŐσkii
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 16:46:56 +0000

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