#81 The room was in silent for a while, the only visible sound - TopicsExpress


#81 The room was in silent for a while, the only visible sound was the t.v. Ndiphinde ndeva kwangaye ethetha. Nic: can I play with your hair? I like it. I smiled and noded. Gqiba ukutya ke. I finished eating the ice-cream then went to put the bowl in the kitchen ndabuya. Mna: ndithini? Nic: sit here then put your head here. He said tapping his lap. I did as told, he massaged my hair emane ebabundirhawuzelela iscalp bekumandi kanjani. His hands were so soft. Ndicela ukuyothatha ikama. Mna: hayi ke andifunukama mna. Bendiyoyika ke ikama uzuqonde xandiziqoqosha iinwele zam ndizenza ngebrush. Zagqibela ukoluleka ngoku bendisesehigh school kunyanzelekile since then ndiyazi brush qha. Nic: haha dont worry I wont comb you, uzokubona. Mna: ok ke. Nic: *ekhwaza* iphi? Mna: andinayo. Bendine brush qha. Nic: yho hayike masiyiyeke lento bendizokuyenza, or I can use a pencil. Yheyi bendinexhala uzondenza ntoni nalomntu kodwa ndamyeka. Wabuya nepencil wathi ndihlale phambikwakhe sabeka icussion ndahlala. Heee ebenditwister ubhuti wabantu bethuna, kaloku zinkulu iinwele zam so bendibona apha ezantsi xayegqiba. I felt myself drifting off to sleep, bendimane ndisothuka xa isiwa intloko. Okanye xa eyonyusa ngokwakhe ndiyiwisile ndilele. Mna: *sleepy tone* ndidiniwe mna. Nic: ndiyakubona uyozela. Mna: ndicela uyokulala kancinci ndizovuka sigqibezele vha. Nic: masambe uzokulala mna ndiqhubeleke nomsebenzi wam. Saya ekamereni kenyhani ndalala kakuhle ngecala yena wandenza. Ndothuke sekulate ndaphakama ibhedi yam ibingqamene nedressing table. Wow undigqibile, bezingasentle iinwele zam ndasuka ndabamhlophe kakhulu nam heee hayi. Ndavuka ndalungisa ibed ndaya eliving room ebesitya iichips. Nic: awufane utukutuku kangaka uyakuthanda ukulala. I smiled then ndahlala kweyam icouch. Ndicela uzokuhlala apha nam. Ndaya satya iichips sibukele itv. Mna: sotya ntoni ndilambile mna. Besendidikwe nazezichips. Nic: pheka or make a sandwich. Mna: Ill cook. Ndahamba ndayokupheka nyhani, ukugqiba kwam ndaphaka satya. Nic: mmm upheka kamandi, yhazi mna ndiyonqena ukupheka. Mna: ndiyakubona. Nic: ndizokutsho ndityebe ukhona nje. Siye sahleka sobabini. Mna: uzokuhlamba izitya kewena. Nic: haha akukho ngxaki. Satya sagqiba then wathatha iiplates wayokuzihlamba ndashiyeka ndiphonela umama. Mna: ndiyakukhumbula. Mama: nam sanalwam ubuye xa usiva kubhetere uyeva. Mna: ewe mha. Mama: ndiyakuthanda sisi. Mna: nam mha kakhulu. We hung up wabe sele engena uNic. Nic: ndicela siphume kancinci I want to show you around. Mna: ok, yhimake ndinxibe. Nic: hayi uright kushushu apha phandle. Hayi kaloku mna ibinokundigodolisa kancinci iweather yalapha okanye yilento ndingekayiqheli. Bendinxibe ushorti nevest. Mna: you sure? He noded. Ok ke masambe. Sahamba nyhani. Mmm Cape Town is awesome ndisaphinda ndiyatsho, bendicwabeke nyhani. Saya eMuzenburg sihamba nje apha ecakolwandle siphethe izihlangu zethu ngezandla, bekumandi maan. Kuthe kusenjalo ndazibona sele ndibelekiwe heee nabelungu bebezipholele minding their own businesses. We took a lot of pictures ndingasa pose maan. Yheyi kwabamandi kum kusweet nenyongo le yambala. Kuye kwabasebusuku sahlala nje kancinci then sahamba. Bendidinwe yho! Safika endlini ndayokuhlamba then ndangena kwipijama ndayokuhlala elounge. Uye wayokuhlamba unic wabuya ekwi pijama naye aphethe ifleece blanket wahlala ecakwam wandenza ndabeka intloko yam kuye. He kept stroking my hair back and forth soft kamandi. Kuthe kusenjalo ndamva ethetha. Mna: mmm. Nic: I enjoy your company. Mna: me too. Ndiye ndamjonga emvakoko ndasuka kwenzeka izinto endingazaziyo emzimbeni wam. Hayi ndazinqanda yhini ndisengumfazi womntu. I quickly looked away, he held my chin and made me look at him futhi. I didnt bendicimele mba! Nic: dont fight it please. Uthe net atsho ndaziva ndibukhululeka kodwa bendisoyika. We have a strong chemistry please dont fight it. I finally opened my eyes then exhaled. Mna: Im not read-... He planted a soft peck on my lips. Ubusithini? Mna: ummm bendi-... Waphinda ebundi suck iilips this time around. Nic: Asanda Im going to make you happy leyo into andifuni nokuyifihla. Enye nenye ke andizukuyithetha cause I believe in action andithethi gqithi. Our eyes locked for a long time, then we got closer to each other and started kissing. Mmmm ndayigqibela nini lento kaloku bendingasayenzi noLutho. Yhey the moment got tense ndibone ngomntla wam wepijama sele ephantsi nam ndamkhulula ivest. He cupped my boobs ebesuke abuhlungu andayazi kodwa ndanyamezela kuba bendirhala maan and ebendincamisa kamandi. We were kissing and touching siphefumlela phezulu, my eyes were closed ndimane ndibona uLutho ndivele ndibenothando olu more. Uye wandiyeka waya ekamereni wabuya with a packet of condoms. That was my chance yokujika izinto ndithi andizukwazi ukuyenza lento kodwa khange kubekhonto itshoyo. Ndiye ndaqhubeka, wandikhulula then played with my already wet cake. Wafaka icondom ndavula ndade omnye umlenze ndawuxhoma kwi couch. He entered me slowly and kept sucking on my lips. Bendisavule kamandi ndimmamele when I heard him breathing heavy ede encwina endiqinisile then he stopped. Haybo! Ndingeka yiva nokuyiva, yhini ndibatywe kangaka. I kept moving my waist yho hayi andisayiva kwaletilitili ukuba itshone ngaphi. Mna: Nic haybo! Nic: yhima baby. Hee sendingubaby nangoku? Bendingakwazi ukulinda mna kodwa ndanyamezela. He got off me waya ebathroom ebechamile nyhani lomfana. Wabuya ndisazonekile ibingase ndivulele omnye umntu emnyango ndithi gqibezela apha please. He started kissing me again then went down on me. Wow he had a magical tongue, bendibhuda isicaco, athi ekwi clit ehle adlale ngolwimi yhu bendiligeza eliqalwa yimpambano. I felt my orgasm building up ndambamba entloko ndamqinisa then screamed as I released, Mmmm kwaze kwamandi bo. He came for my lips and kissed me for a long time then kissed my forehead walala phezukwam. Mna: yhima, ndicela ungandicinezeli amabele. Nic: abuhlungu? I noded. Awasemahle ke ngeloxesha. Ndamvala umlomo ngesandla sahleka. We fell asleep kanjalo, ndothuka ebusuku elele bendilambile. Mna: Nic, Nic khawuvuke torho. Nic: yhintoni baby? Mna: ndilambile mna. Nic: ok hambokutya ke. I went to the kitchen butt naked, ndaqale ndasela amanzi then went to the bathroom to clean myself bendinuka uNic phuqu. Ukugqiba kwam yonke lonto ndayokuziphakela okwakutya bendikuphekile ndatya then washed the plate ndaphindela elounge ndiphethe amanzi. Ndawabeka phantsi ndakhangela iimpahla zam I couldnt find my panty. Mna: Nic iphi panty yam? Uye waphakama wayikhupha phantsi kwecussion wandinika ndanxiba then ndahlala kwenye icouch. Ukudikwa kwam ndahamba ndayokulala ndimshiya elele gqitha lo unguNic pha elounge. Ndothuke ekuseni esecakwam heee yhazba umenywe ngubani. Mna: molo wena. He smiled ke unezixhobo. Nic: hello baby, ulale njani? Mna: kamandi wena? Nic: like a drunkard! I laughed at that. Ndavuka ndaya ebathroom ndaphinda ndabuya ndahlala phezukwebhedi. Nic: what do you feel like doing namhlanje? Mna: andazi. Nic: yhintoni oyaziyo? Mna: haha mpa ke. Nic: masiye eKhayelitsha. Kudala ke ndeva ngaleKhayelitsha ndiyarhalela ukuyibona. Mna: entwenini pha? Nic: kumama wam. Mna: oh. Nic: yhintoni awufuni? Mna: no its not that wethu. Nic: yhintoni ke? Mna: ayonto, ok masihambe ke. Nic: relax awuzukwenzekanto. Mna: I know, I mean I trust but uzokuthi ndiyintoni mna kuwe? Nic: kanti uyintoni? Mna: well I thought we friends. Nic: nam. Mna: so ucinga ntoni ngoku? Nic: andifuni ukuyithetha ibengathi ndiyaphapha or taking advantage of you. Mna: ok yiyeke. Ndakhulula ndahamba ndayokuhlamba, bendingazisoli nakancinci ngokulala noNic. Ukugqiba kwam ndayokuthambisa yena ebesondlula, ugqiba kwakhe wayokuhlamba. Ndanxiba then ndayokutya ndalinda yena. Wagqiba naye watya then sahamba. On the way we were playing into you_tamia ft fabulous. Ibisitsho kamandi maan I even put it on repeat. Yow ndasuka ndabona imikhukhu emininzi ndavele ndayiqonda ukuba siya ekasi nyhani ngoku. Bekuthulekile emotweni nyhani uNic akathanduthetha shame kodwa ku2go uthetha gqitha! Sayokufika eLitha Park sangena kowabo sabulisa wandi introduce then sahlala phantsi. Umama wakhe mdala kodwa uthe qoko kuba ebehamba ngentloko sana enze idabrat hee omama basekasi ungabathini. Kwabamandi kulo Nic ndihleli nesister yakhe enye apparantly ngabo bobabini kumama wabo kwaye utshatile usisters ebezokubona umama wakhe naye. Yho hayisana kumandi kule family ndiyakuxelela. Sahamba late sibuya nombengo, ndive pha ke ukuba ngumbengo mna bendisazi iyinyama eyojiweyo. Siye sahlamba then salala, ebhedini enye nanamhlanje. Kuthe phaa ekuseni ndeva ngomntu endiphathaphatha. Yho izi mornings kaloku andikwazi ukuziyeka tu, ndiye ndaphethuka ndakhwelisa umlenze wam phezukwakhe akasokolisa wasondela. Hayike andisakhumbuli ikhululwe njani ipanty yam. Wandinikeza icondom ndayiqhaqha ndamfaka watshona kum. Oh besekumandi kengoku khange akhawuleze ayeke kanje ngayizolo. We both came then wandiguqula ndalala phezukwakhe. Yagqitha inewyear there was nothing wow about it, bendiphonelwa ngabantwana basekhaya qha uLutho khange kwaye besendiya ndimlibala. Hayke umama ngoyena mhlobowam inguye noZukiswa kodwa andimxelelanga ndimkile kuLutho. Umama(gran inlaw) umane ephone andiyibambi tu. Yho ndonqena ukube ndixoxa wethu makhe ndiphole please. After i10 ka january Nic opened at work ebengu business man wethu andazi phi. Bendishiyeka ndodwa nditshonelwe ngamalanga. Heee what about school? Uye wandiphonela umama ebuza ndibuya nini akhange ndiphendule kumandi eKapa ndibuya ndiyaphi na? Kuthe apha ekuhambeni kwexesha ndakhumbula ukuba ndaagqibela kudala ukuya kwiiperiods, udecember wonke khange ndiye. Ndiye ndaxakwa inoba yintoni kuba mos andimithi mna. Ndiye ndangena ku goggle zonke iimpendulo bezisiya kwi pregnancy. Latsho uvalo, Thixo wam and bendiyazi ukuba kunjalo ngokaLutho kuba iperiods zam zibasekuqaleni kwenyanga. Besendiyazi imall yalapha ekufutshane, so ndatshixa ndaya kwa pnp ndihambela phezulu. I kept saying to myself it cant be, I dont have a womb moss. Ndathenga ipregnancy test kunye ne fried chicken ndaphindela endlini. Ndangena etoilet ndavala bendimince ingase kuthi kanti andimithanga. The results were positive, yho hayikengoku!!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 04:14:39 +0000

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