9-11 was not the same for me as it was for most of you. September - TopicsExpress


9-11 was not the same for me as it was for most of you. September 11, 2001 was the FIRST day I started basic training in the Army. I was carrying two duffel bags on me (one strapped to my front and the other to my back) as I watched the drill sergeants demeanor change. They all went from looking like cold stone killers that wanted to break us down to looking like human beings (with a secret) that needed to shield us from harm...instead of yelling at us they began to whisper to each other. They put out instructions to form a separate line if we had any family that lived in NY...the few that did were allowed to call home but werent told why. We didnt watch the news, read the papers or even discuss what had happened. Any mail that we received that had pictures or news clippings in them were confiscated before we had the chance to look at them. Our main concerns were keeping our boots polished, making sure our beds and barracks looked perfect and trying not to screw up too much (as we knew a smoking session (serious physical exercise) would follow). Over time, the drill sergeants made little comments about how the military was going to change significantly and all of our training was preparing us for war...any of you that signed up for college benefits are in for a big surprise...you better be ready for the real deal! It wasnt until months later that I truly understood the gravity of what had happened and even then, I suspect that it was very different for me, as things had settled down a bit by that time. There is not a single part of me that is happy about what happened to all the victims of 9-11 but if I do look for a silver lining in any of it, its this...Im happy that at least one day out of the year (hopefully more) I see Americans say never forget, that we as a nation find that inner sense of patriotism, that we are reminded how vulnerable we truly are, that the US military is a necessity and that there may come a time that the right to bear arms is important for us ALL.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 19:03:19 +0000

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