[9:28am, 08/07/2014] Younis Naik: HOW TO BECOME A GOOD POLITICIAN? - TopicsExpress


[9:28am, 08/07/2014] Younis Naik: HOW TO BECOME A GOOD POLITICIAN? organized events, such as city meetings. Also, speak to the people you meet daily, like at the grocery store and people that are next to you in long lines. Just practice speaking to strangers, and your anxiety level will go down. Now youe redy tobeg and make promises to your overlords in corporate boardrooms. [9:37am, 08/07/2014] Younis Naik: 3 Make connections in your community with all kinds of people, especially those in a position to help you in your bid for pubblic office. Like in Step 1, talk to strangers. Not necessarily every single person you see, but people you encounter in long lines, etc 4 Keep up with current events. This includes local, state, national and international news and knowing who the key donors and lobbyits are. National-level politicians need to stay informed about whats going on in corporate America and not upset Wall Street executives. Look up news in the weband always read newspapers. 5 Learn from the past. If history isnt your favorite subject, thats perfectly fine. What really counts is the ability to raise funds. No one takes history professors seriously but they will take you seriously if you can raise money. The best public servants have a firm understanding of how toraise money. If youre well financed and dont rock the boat the main stream media will defer to you and accept you asan insider. 6 Be dedicated to what you are trying to accomplish. If you arent willing to apply all your efforts to your goal, you wont succeed. You also need to prove to thepowers that be that you have the drive and motivation to protect thestatus quo. 7 Acquire new skills. Join and pursue activities that will help you develop the art of diplomacy and learn the skill of the conversation. 8 Learn from those who have succeeded. Read autobiographies written by Presidents and other successful high officialsto give you an idea of where your opinions andbeliefs may fit and to learn more about the political process. They have won the elections and know what it takes to be successful at that level. 9 Start small. Run for local offices, then Congress or state-level positions. Another route is to enter the military and become a respected officer. If you are still in school, run for class office. Talk to your peers and find out their concerns. This can be followed by running in local elections. This is all about experience. 10 Take part in the contests frequently, because you should challenge yourself to go to stage courageously. The more you challenge yourself, the more you will learn.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 04:15:26 +0000

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