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911 Was An Inside Job https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.531534220247871 911, Twin Towers and Pentagon False Flag Join us and share: https://facebook/NewWorldOutlawzKilluminati 9-11 WTC Biggest Gold Heist in History $300 Billion in Bars https://facebook/photo.php?v=602478019820157 william cooper- 9/11 and the illuminati https://facebook/photo.php?v=3330597641418 (DEBUNK THIS) NEW 2013 WTC DEMOLITION EVIDENCE, RARE FOOTAGE AND INTERVIEWS youtube/watch?v=wFidciVopu4 Truckload of Explosives Found Under George Washington Bridge: youtube/watch?v=drBDNNZHLzI 9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon: youtube/watch?v=xU4GdHLUHwU 911 Truth Loose change 2nd edition 9/11 Documentary Full length youtube/watch?gl=GB&hl=en-GB&client=mv-google&v=Z__4ZhF36Mc 2013 NEW Loose Change 3rd Edition! MUST SEE! 9/11 Truth youtube/watch?client=mv-google&hl=en-GB&gl=GB&feature=related&rl=yes&v=YsRm8M-qOjQ ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS FOR 911 TRUTH youtube/watch?v=X-V1CiuGMJo Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 youtube/watch?v=hZEvA8BCoBw William Cooper predicted 9/11 - June 28, 2001 youtube/watch?v=p-pXRx6C6D8 William Cooper : 9-11-01 Radio Broadcast ( Full 8 Hours ) LISTEN between 0:38:00 and 0:43:00 ... William Cooper says Twin Towers destroyed by explosives! youtube/watch?v=YtT5mWtSmkk Firemen Explosion Testimony youtube/watch?v=IO1ps1mzU8o World Trade Center on 9/11 - Sounds of Explosions youtube/watch?v=_A9X_8flGeM The Twin Towers were the first building ever to collapse due to fire, which lead to many questions, and independent investigations. At 9:59am the south tower of the World Trade Center, a 110 stories tall skyscraper collapses to the ground in approximately ten seconds, 29 minutes later the north tower follows trough also collapsing in approximately ten seconds. It is the first time in history that a skyscraper collapsed because of damage, and fire. There has been many skyscrapers in history that were attacked much severe than the twin towers, and did not collapse; for example, on February 23rd 1991 a meridian plaza, a 38 story skyscraper in Philadelphia burned for 18 hours across 8 floors, and did not collapse. October 17th 2004, a 56 story skyscraper in Caracas, Venezuela, built in 1976 burned for over 17 hours, and spread across 26 floors, it did not collapse. February 13th 1975, a three fire alarm broke out on the 9th through 14th floor of the north tower, the fire was so intense that it lead to the installation of sprinkler systems, which comes in handy in May 19th 1975 when seven fires strike the complex, but it did not collapsed. February 9th 2009 a 40 story building burns on all floors, throughout the whole building, but it did not collapse. September 11th 2001, two 110 story skyscrapers, completed in 1973 burned for 56 minutes over eight floors, and a hundred and three minutes over four floors before completely collapsing to the ground at nearly free fall. How can it be that the twin towers are the first skyscrapers in history to collapse due to fire, when other skyscrapers survived more sever fires? The twin towers were constructed to withstand storms, and airplane crashes. The twin towers were composed of 200,000 tons of steel, and 425,000 cubic yards of concrete. The core of each tower was a rectangular pillar, 87 by 133 feet comprised of 47 steel box columns raging from 36 by 15, to 52 by 22 inches. The north tower was completed in 1970, and the south tower was completed in 1973. They were designed to withstand multiple impacts of a Boeing 707, the largest aircraft at its time. A 707 has four engines instead of two. The structure of the WTC is like a mosquito netting on your screen door, and that the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. John Skilling, the World Trade Centers head structural engineer, told the Seattle Times after the 1993 WTC bombing, if a plane had struck the building, there would be a big fire but the building structure would still be there. During the construction of the twin towers, spray-on fire proofing, comprised of concrete and asbestos was placed in the towers, and was outlawed in 1971, so they seized that procedure at the 64th floor of the south tower, the Port authority finally realized that asbestus presented a problem, and demolition was not an option, and in 1989 they estimated the removal of the asbestos from the WTC at about a billion dollars which would sadly not be needed after September 11. How could the twin towers collapse due to a plane crash, when the head structural engineer that had a big part in constructing the towers said that a plane could never bring it down? World Trade Center building 7 is one of the buildings surrounding the twin towers, which had many important offices. The construction of the building began in 1984, it had a 47 story office building, was 570 feet tall, and 300 feet away from the north tower. It housed the Department of Defense, Security and Exchanges Commission, and the Internal Revenue Service. It was considered the Central Intelligence Agencies largest station outside from Washington, D.C., and was also Secret Services biggest field office. It is bullet proof, air resistance, has its own air supply generators, and is also linked to city airports, the coast guard, and the Pentagon. This building could be considered one of the most important buildings in Manhattan because of its important offices. Before the collapse of World Trade Center building 7, there were some unusual things happening. Hours before the first plane would strike into the twin towers, buildings 7s alarm system would be placed on test status at 6:47am for a scheduled period of eight hours, this normally occurs during maintenance, and any fire alarms from the building are disregarded. After the second plane strikes the south tower, buildings 7s power is shut off, and its tendency are evacuated. By 3:00pm chief Daniel Nigro of the New York Fire Department set a collapse zone around the building. Why would the Fire Department set a collapse zone around building 7, when there was no signs of collapsing, nor was it struck by a plane? News stations began to report that World Trade Center building 7 collapsed, before it even had collapsed. Over an hour before the World Trade Center 7 collapsed, at 4:10pm Aaron Brown from CNN reported, building 7, one of the buildings in this very large WTC complex... is on fire, and has either collapsed, or is collapsing. BBC News reported building 7 collapsed 23 minutes before it actually did. Why did CNN and BBC reported that the building had collapsed before it actually did, especially considering that that the building was still standing directly behind the reporters. Where did the news stations get the information of collapsing from? World Trade Center 7 collapsed without being hit by a plane, or having any major damages. The collapse of the building occurred at 5:20pm in approximately 6.5 seconds, and the building fell symmetrically into its own foot prints barely damaging its surrounding structures. The Federal Emergency Management Agencies Report in 2002 stated that the reason of the collapse will remain unknown at that time. Virtually all structural steel from ground zero had been recycled, and no steel was recovered from building 7 for investigation. As of this day there has yet to be released a final report on the collapse. There were many other surrounding buildings that did not fall into its own foot steps due to fire, or surrounding debris, building 3, a 22 story building directly below the twin towers was split in half, but the structure remained standing. Building 4, a nine story building east of the south tower was almost completely destroyed, but the remaining structure did not collapse. Building 5, another nine story building east of the north tower suffered from severe fires, and structural damage, it did not collapse. Building 6, an eight story building between the north tower and building 7 suffered a giant gauge on its roof, and severe fires, but it also did not collapse, neither did the Deutsche Bank building, or the Millennium hotel across the street collapse. The 47 story steel frame skyscraper was damaged less then the other buildings surrounding the twin towers. Could all structural elements inside the building simultaneously fail at 5:20pm, and collapse symmetrically? It had 81 columns, 24 cores, and a 57 perimeter running from the basement to the roof. For the building to collapse the way it did, all 81 columns had to collapse at the same time. So why does the Government wants us to believe that fire on a few floors could bring down a whole building, when we all know that it is not possible? A survivor of the World Trade Center building 7 that witnessed explosions mysterically died. Key witness Barry Jennings was the Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator who was in building 7 before it collapsed. Loose Change: The Final Cut interviewed Mr. Jennings for their documentary where he said the following. The Pentagon was also one of targets that was hit by a plane on the morning of September 11, but it did not leave any signs of being hit by one. Flight 77 allegedly crashed at 9:37am into the ground floor of the Pentagon, but authorities will deny the building had anti-aircraft defense, even though it is one of the most important, and secure buildings in the United states. The FBI arrives within ten minutes, and declares the sight a federal crime scene, becoming their exclusive responsibility. The FBI confiscated every known video of the 9/11 Pentagon attacks, and has only released five unclear images of the attack. Releasing a clear video of the attack would prove that a plane did hit the Pentagon, but the FBI did not do such a thing. Why would the FBI keep the videos from releasing, if they do not have anything to hide? The official story of the events leading up to the morning of the Pentagon attack has many arguments that were proven to be false, and not possible. As stated in The 9/11 Commission Report, American Airlines Flight 77 was taken over by 5 hijackers lead by Hani Hanjour, which was the most experienced and highly trained pilot out of all the hijackers, but Hanjour entered the United States in 1996 to become a professional airline pilot, but he would not complete a single course. Duncan haste from the from the cockpit resource management said that he was a weak student. He had only the bares understanding what the instruments were there to do, said Wes Futts from the Sawyer School of Aviation. He obtains a commercial pilots license in April 1999, but how and where he did so remains a lingering question that FAA officials refuse to discuss. He had trouble controlling and landing the single engine Cessna 172. Mareel Bernard declined to rent him a plane without more lessons. So how could Hanjour be the most experienced out of all? On the morning of the attacks, Hani Hanjour and his four accomplices travelled to Dulles International Airport, outside of Washington D.C.. They had spent the weeks before hand in the Valencia Motel right outside the gates of the National Security Agency (NSA), which we are forced to believe it being another coincidence. Hani Hanjour could not fly a single engine aircraft, and we are made to believe that he flew a Boeing 757 into the side of the Pentagon, without hitting the ground. The hijacking, and crashing of flight 77 is too unrealistic, and even by experienced pilots nearly impossible to perform. The pilots on the plane were David Charlebois, and Captain Charles Burlingame III. Charles Burlingame III was an Aeronautical engineer, a graduate of the Naval Academy, and Top Gun Pilot School. He also flew F-4 fighter jets, and developed anti-terrorism strategies at the Pentagon before retiring in 1989 to take a job at American Airlines. He would remain active in the reserve, and antiterrorism exercises until 1996. His Boeing 757 was crashed into the very section he use to work in. The hijackers would have only moments to subdue both pilots, removing them from the cockpit, and still be able to retain control of the airplane. The plane was hijacked at 8:51am without incident, and makes an unauthorized turn to the south three minutes later. No mayday, no hijack code, and no sign of struggle. It flies for another 43 minutes against its flight path before crashing into the Pentagon without any military interception. If Hani Hanjour wanted to inflict maximum damage to the Pentagon, all he needed to do is fly the plane nose down into the roof of the Pentagon, instead he begins a complicated 330 degree turn, dropping 7000 feet, and exposing himself for another three minutes. That maneuver is described by experienced pilots as nearly impossible. How are we supposed to believe that a pilot, called a waste of resources, executed a nearly impossible maneuver with a Boeing 757 a month later? Flight 77 mysterically disappeared into the Pentagon, leaving nothing behind just like Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Is it pure coincidence that Hani Hanjour steered Flight 77 into a barely habited newly reinforced section of the Pentagon? The Pentagon renovation that started in 1991 was only days away from completion. Had the plane struck anywhere else, the casualties, and damage would have been far greater. WTC 7: Building 7 was a 47-story skyscraper and was part of the World Trade Center complex. Built in 1984, it would have been the tallest high-rise in 33 states in the United States. It collapsed at 5:20 pm on September 11, 2001 in 6.5 Seconds at free fall acceleration. It was not hit by an airplane and suffered minimal damage compared to other buildings much closer to the Twin Towers. Dov Zakheim and the Missing Trillions: On September 10, 2001, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon funds could not be accounted for. Rumsfeld stated: According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. According to a report by the Inspector General, the Pentagon cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends. Such a disclosure normally might have sparked a huge scandal. However, the commencement of the attack on New York City and Washington in the morning would assure that the story remained buried. To the trillions already missing from the coffers, an obedient Congress terrorized by anthrax attacks would add billions more in appropriations to fight the War on Terror. The Comptroller of the Pentagon at the time of the attack was Dov Zakheim, who was appointed in May of 2001. Before becoming the Pentagons money-manager, he was an executive at System Planning Corporation, a defense contractor specializing in electronic warfare technologies including remote-controlled aircraft systems. Zakheim is a member of the Project for a New American Century and participated in the creation of its 2000 position paper Rebuilding Americas Defenses which called for a New Pearl Harbor. Mossad - The Israeli Connection To 911 : Shortly after the destruction of the twin towers, radio news reports described five Middle Eastern men being arrested in New Jersey after having been seen videotaping and celebrating the explosive collapses of the WTC. These men, from a phony moving company in Weehawken, N.J., turned out to be agents of Israeli military intelligence, Mossad. Furthermore, their moving van tested positive for explosives. Dominic Suter, the Israeli owner of Urban Moving Systems, the phony moving company, fled in haste, or was allowed to escape, to Israel before FBI agents could interrogate him. The Israeli agents were later returned to Israel on minor visa violations. The Assistant Attorney General in charge of criminal investigations at the time was Michael Chertoff, the current head of the Dept. of Homeland Security. Chertoff, the son of the first hostess of Israels national air carrier, El Al, is thought to be an Israeli national. One of the Israeli agents later told Israeli radio that they had been sent to document the event - the event which took the lives of some 3,000 Americans. CIA agent Robert Baer confirmed their cameras were set up BEFORE the first plane struck. Another group of Israelis were caught with truck bombs around the George Washington Bridge. A third group of Jews were caught with a van that had a mural painted on the side literally depicting the 9/11 attacks. Despite the fact that the Israelis arrested in New Jersey evidently had prior knowledge or were involved in the planning of 9/11, the U.S. mainstream media has never even broached the question of Israeli complicity in the attacks. Their names were: Sivan and Paul Kurzberg Yaron Schmuel Oded Ellner Here is a list of 24 facts that cannot be debunked about 9/11. 1) Nano Thermite was found in the dust at Ground Zero. Peer reviewed in the Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal. ‘Niels Harrit’, ‘Thermite Bentham’, “The great thermate debate” Jon Cole, ‘Iron rich spheres’ Steven Jones, ‘Limited Metallurgical Examination (FEMA C-13, Appendix C-6)’. ‘Nano Tubes’ 2) 1700+ Engineers and Architects support a real independent 9/11 investigation. Richard Gage, Founder. ‘Explosive Evidence’, ‘Blueprint for Truth’, ‘AE911′, ‘Toronto Hearings’, ‘Kevin Ryan’. 3) The total collapse of WTC 7 in 6.5 seconds at free fall acceleration (NIST admits 2.25 seconds). Larry Silverstein used the term “Pull it”. Steel framed high rise buildings have NEVER totally collapsed from fire or structural damage. Builidng 7 was not hit by a plane. ‘Building 7′, ‘WTC 7′. 4) Dick Cheney was in command of NORAD on 9/11 while running war games. ‘Stand down order’. “Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary?”. Norman Minetta testimony. “Gave order to shootdown Flight 93.”, ‘NORAD Drills’. 5) 6 out of the 10 Commissioners believe the 9/11 Commission report was “Setup to fail” Co-Chairs Hamilton and Kean, “It was a 30 year conspiracy”, “The whitehouse has played cover up”, ‘Max Cleland resigned’, ‘John Farmer’. 6) FBI confiscated 84/85 Videos from the Pentagon. ‘Moussaoui trial’ revealed these videos. Released Pentagon Security Camera (FOIA) does not show a 757 and is clearly Missing a frame. ‘Sheraton Hotel’, “Double tree’, ‘Citgo”. 7) Osama Bin Laden was NOT wanted by the FBI for the 9/11 attacks. “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” CIA created, trained and funded “Al Qaeda/Taliban” during the Mujahideen. OBL was a CIA asset named ‘Tim Osman’. OBL Reported dead in Dec 2001 (FOX). 8) 100′s of Firefighters and witness testimony to BOMBS/EXPLOSIONS ignored by the 9/11 Commission Report. 9/11 Commission Report bars 503 1st responder eyewitnesses. “Explosions in the lobby and sub levels”, ‘Firefighter explosions’, ‘Barry Jennings’, ‘William Rodriguez’. 9) 100′s of firefighters and witness testimony to MOLTEN METAL ignored by the Commission report. “Like you’re in a foundry”, “NIST’s John Gross denies the existence of Molten Metal”, ‘Swiss Cheese’, “As of 21 days after the attack, the fires were still burning and molten steel was still running.” Leslie Robertson’. 10) ’5 Dancing Israeli’s’ arrested in ‘Mossad Truck Bombs’ on 9/11 that stated “We were there to document the event.” ‘Urban Moving Systems’ front company, ‘Dominic Suter’. “$498,750 Business loan (June 2001)”. “Officer DeCarlo’, ‘Art Students’, ‘Israeli Spying’. 11) On September 10th, 2001. Rumsfeld reported $2.3 TRILLION missing from the Pentagon. ‘Dov Zakheim’ Pentagon Comptroller. Former VP of ‘Systems Planning Corporation’ (Flight Termination System). Signatore of PNAC document. 12) 220+ Senior Military, Intelligence Service, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials question the official story. ’9/11 Whistleblowers’, ‘Patriots for 9/11′. ‘Robert Bowman’, ‘Sibel Edmonds’, ‘Albert Stubblebine’, ‘Wesley Clark’, ‘Mark Dayton’, ‘Alan Sabrosky’, ‘Cyntha McKinney’, ‘Kurt Sonnenfeld’. 13) Towers were built to withstand a Boeing jet(s). “I designed it for a 707 to hit it”, Leslie Robertson, WTC structural engineer. “Could probably sustain multiple impacts of jetliners”, “like a pencil puncturing screen netting” Frank De Martini, deceased Manager of WTC Construction & Project Management. “As far as a plane knocking a building over, that would not happen.” Charlie Thornton, Structural Engineer. 14) History of American False Flag attacks. ‘USS Liberty’, ‘Gulf of Tonkin’, ‘Operation Northwoods’, ‘OKC Bombing (Murrah Building)’, ’1993 WTC attacks’. ‘Patrick Clawson’. Project for the New American Century (PNAC) needed “a New Pearl Harbor”, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”. 9/11 Achieved those goals. 15) BBC correspondent Jane Standley reported the collapse of WTC 7 (Soloman Brothers building) 20 minutes before it happened. CNN/FOX/MSNBC also had early reports. ‘BBC wtc 7′, ‘Jane Standley’, Ashleigh Banfield’. 16) “Flight 93″ debris was spread out over many miles. Cheney admits to giving the order to shootdown 93. “shot down the plane over Pennsylvania” Rumsfeld, “nothing that you could distinguish that a plane had crashed there” ‘Chris Konicki. “Not a drop of blood” Coroner Wallace Miller. “there was no plane.” Mayor Ernie Stull. 17) Bush hesitated for 441 days before starting the 911 Commission. ‘Jersey Girls’. ‘Phil Zelikow’ already wrote the outline before the commission began. Steel shipped over seas. Obstruction of justice. JFK and Pearl Harbor commissions were started within 7 days. 18) The 911 commission was given extremely limited funds. $15 million was given to investigate 9/11. (Over $60 Million was spent investigating Clintons’ affairs with Monica). 19) Bush said he watched the first plane crash into the North tower on TV before entering the classroom. “The TV was obviously on.” Was informed about the second impact while reading ‘My Pet Goat’ to the children. Remained for at least 8 more minutes while America was under “attack”. 20) The PATRIOT ACT was written before 9/11. Signed into law October 26th, 2001. 21) Marvin Bush was director of Stratasec (Securacom, ‘KuAm’) which was in charge of security of the WTC, United Airlines and Dulles International Airport. All three were breached on 9/11. ICTS was another company that provided security at the airports. ‘Wirt Walker’, ‘Ezra Harel’, ‘ICTS”, ‘WTC power downs’. 22) “Who killed John O’Neil?”. Former FBI task force agent investigating Al Qaeda/Bin Laden. Transferred by Kroll Corporation to head the security just before 9/11. John O’Neil died in the Towers. ‘Jerome Hauer’ ‘Jules Kroll’. 23) Insider trading based upon foreknowledge. ‘Put Options.’ Never identified insiders made millions. ‘United and American Airlines’ ‘Raytheon.’ 24) At least 7 of the 19 listed highjackers are still alive (BBC). No video footage of 19 highjackers or passengers boarding the 4 planes. Pilots of the 4 planes never squawked the highjacking code. ‘Alive highjackers’, ‘ACARS’, twenty one pilots for 9/11 Truth’. Quotes: All the (intelligence services) of America and Europe know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part in Iraq and Afghanistan. - Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga All the necessary proofs - Israel did 9/11: Larry Silverstein - Explains his reason for purchasing the towers as I felt a compelling urge to own them. Larry had breakfast in Windows on the World restaurant every single morning. On 9/11 he never showed up. Neither did his daughter who worked in building 7. Frank Lowy - Owner of Westfield America. In May 2001, Westfield paid $US127 million for a 99-year lease on the retail area beneath the New York World Trade Center. Lowy was a member of the Golani Brigade, and fought in the Israeli war of independence. Lowy steered clear of the WTC on 9/11. Who authorized the lease of the WTC complex to Silverstein? Lewis Eisenberg Chairman of the New York Port Authority. All three men (Larry Silverstein, Frank Lowy, Lewis Eisenberg) are high ranking Jews in the Anti Defamation League and United Jewish Appeal. Who pushed the WTC for privatization? Ronald S. Lauder - He was on the board of directors of the NY board of privatization. He is the key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC, but he also got Stewart Airport, formerly Stewart AFB, to become privatized. Oddly, the flight-paths of flight 175 and flight 11 converged directly over this airport. Lauder is active in the following organizations: Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Jewish National Fund World Jewish Congress American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Anti-Defamation League Jewish Theological Seminary Lauder has funded a school for the Mossad in Herzliya, Israel. Who ran security at all three airports of alleged hijackings? ICTS International - Owned by Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon. Both Israeli Jews. It is run by experts in the security and intelligence field. Israeli intelligence that is. Most employees were ex- Shin Bet agents. Is this airport security company, who ran the security at Dulles, Logan, and Newark, really that shotty to allow 19 Arabs on board 4 different planes with box-cutters, mace, and even a gun, or is there something else going on here? Menachem Atzmon was involved in an Israeli political scandal involving Ehud Olmert and other Likudnits in Israel. ICTS was also in charge of airport security when the shoe bomber Richard Reid boarded a plane with a shoe bomb (allegedly). A few hours before the Patriot Act was voted on, it was edited to make foreign companies in charge of security on 9/11 immune to lawsuits. This would prevent American courts from demanding that ICTS provide testimony or hand over the missing surveillance videos from the airports. Who was on board flight 11? Lewin, an Israeli Jew, was confirmed to be a member of the special Israeli commando unit, the Sayeret Matkal, which specializes in anti-hijack takeovers and assassinations. Originally, Betty Ong pointed to his seat, 9B, as the one shooting people with a gun and leading the hijacking. It was later changed to him being shot, later revised to him being stabbed. Who had the contract to run security at the WTC? Kroll Associates, owned by... Jules Kroll - Jewish. Kroll was run by... Jerome Hauer. Hauer was also the guy chosen to run Mayor Rudy Guilianis office of emergency management from 1996 to 2000. Jerome Hauer is also Jewish. Hauers mother, Rose Muscatine Hauer, is the retired Dean of the Beth Israel School of Nursing and the Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement that is one of the central Zionist organizations involved in the creation and maintenance of the State of Israel. Hauer, however, told journalist Sander Hicks in a phone conversation that Larry Silverstein hired a private security team on his wtc complex. I wonder who manned this private security team, since they are the lead suspects in the placing of explosives. Were Jews forewarned of the attacks? Israeli instant messaging company, Odigo, admitted that two of its employees received instant messages warning of an impeding attack 2 hours prior to the first plane hitting. This warning was not passed on to authorities, which could have saved thousands of lives. Odigo has a feature on its service that allows the passing on of messages through a search feature based on nationality, such as Israeli. Knowing these two particular Jews were forewarned, it is very likely they passed the message on to other Jews considering that out of the 4000 Israeli Jews believed to work in the trade towers, only ONE died that day. Odigo has offices in New York, and in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya happens to be the Head Quarters of Mossad. Do the math. Odigo was later bought up by another Israeli company called Comverse. The CEO of Comverse was Kobi Alexander, dual Israeli-US citizen, with connections to Mossad. He has been charged on several counts of fraud. Who quickly shipped off the WTC metal overseas? Alan D. Ratner’s Metals Management and the SIMS group. Ratner is Jewish. Ratner merged with the SIMS group and the Hugo Neu corporation, and they made a handsome profit. Ratner sold over 50,000 tons of crime scene evidence steel to a Chinese company at $120 per ton; Ratner had obtained them for $70 per ton. 9/11 Investigation in Jewish hands from the start: Jews were appointed the chief judges: Alvin K. Hellerstein - a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York and has been involved in several high-profile 9/11 related cases including consolidated master case against three airlines, ICTS International NV and Pinkertons airport security firms, the World Trade Center owners, and Boeing Co., the aircraft manufacturer Michael B. Mukasey - This Jew judge oversaw the litigation between Larry Silverstein and insurance companies after 9/11. Silverstein was awarded billions. Kenneth Feinberg set up the victim’s compensation fund ($7 billion); the Jews managed to get 97% of the victims’ families to take the money in exchange for not demanding a legal investigation of 9/11. The minority of family members demanding an investigation had to deal with a special mediator: Jewess Sheila Birnbaum. Nothing happened though. Benjamin Chertoff - (cousin of Michael Chertoff) wrote the 9/11 hit piece in Popular Mechanics debunking ‘9/11 conspiracies’ using ridiculous strawmen. Stephen Cauffman – Leader of NIST cover-up of WTC 7 destruction. These lowlifes continued to maintain that fire brought down WTC 7, a physical impossibility. Who wrote the fraudulent 9/11 commission report? Rabbi Dov Zakheim – Co-author of the PNAC paper on rebuilding America’s defenses advocating the necessity of a Pearl Harbor-like incident to mobilize America. Served as Pentagon comptroller from May 4, 2001 to March 10, 2004. Two large sums of money disappeared from the Pentagon under him. In the beginning $2.3 trillion was reported missing by Donald Rumsfeld (September 10, 2001) and later Zakheim was unable to account for another trillion dollars. Zakheim also had squads of American F-15s and F-16s sold as surplus to Israel at a fraction of their value. Michael Chertoff – Jew assistant attorney general for the criminal division of the Justice Department; later, Director of Homeland Security. Richard Perle – Chairman of Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board. He was expelled from Sen. Henry Jackson’s office in the 1970s after the NSA caught him passing highly classified documents to Israel. Paul Wolfowitz – Was Deputy Defense Secretary and a member of the Defense Policy Board in the Pentagon. ...plus many many more... 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Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 23:31:58 +0000

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