A CAREFULLY DISCERNED MEANING OF THE DARKENED SUN AND THE BLOOD RED MOON OF JOEL 2:31. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, BEFORE the great and terrible day of the Lord. [NOTE--The author of this article (that Ive linked to)--places Joels prophecy at THE END of the Tribulation--comparing it to Matthew 24:29. While Matthew 24:29 indeed shows a darkened sun and moon AT THE END OF THE TRIBULATION, Joels prophecy places this phenomena BEFORE the great and terrible day of the Lord come (Pre-Tribulation). COULD THERE BE TWO SEPARATE INSTANCES OF THIS? The day of the Lord is a reference to the Tribulation period, when Gods fury is displayed...(Ill ADD that Gary Stearman recently noted HOW its AT the occurrence of the GOG/MAGOG WAR that Gods fury is FIRST revealed, perhaps being the EXACT START of the day of the Lord--which involves, at first, the extreme anger and vengeance of God against this particular enemy). The day of the Lord could therefore include the Gog/Magog Invasion, the Tribulation, and YET in its FULL SCOPE, the day of the Lord also INCLUDES the entire 1000 years of the Millennium (the FULL extension of the day of the Lord). Ive said at other times that the blood, fire and pillars of smoke (seen in Joel 2:30) will cause BOTH the sun and the moon to be affected--at the same time (EITHER through columns of mushroom clouds--nuclear war, OR from ash thrown up by huge volcanoes). However, this EFFECT also COULD BE caused by something SUPERNATURAL, similar to the darkness that surrounded the cross at the time of Jesus crucifixion. God controlled that, and in my opinion, He can indeed control this darkening of the sun which, with its light dimmed, will make the moon appear blood red.] WHAT JESUS SAID IN MATTHEW 24:29, HAPPENS FOR SURE AT THE END OF THE TRIBULATION. QUOTE FROM ARTICLE--“Now immediately AFTER the troubles of those days, ‘The sun will be darkened, the moon will not reflect its light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers from the heavens will be disrupted.’ The reader will notice that in this quote by Jesus from Joel 2:31, he renders the Hebrew phrase the moon into blood (which does not have a verb associated with it in the Hebrew text) by adding the Greek verb will not reflect its light. The pronoun its in the Greek refers to the light coming from the sun, not the moon. Jesus knew the moon reflects sun light. It does not shine with its own light. Jesus is saying that the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy will not be light from the sun being reflected through the earth’s atmosphere. That’s what lunar eclipses contain. Instead, the moon will experience a diminution of light from the sun. BE SURE TO READ THE ARTICLE. IT IS GOOD, PROVING THAT JOEL 2:31 AND MATTHEW 24:29 DOES NOT REFER TO ECLIPSES OF THE SUN AND THE MOON.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 20:43:40 +0000

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