A CYMATIC MODEL FOR THE FACILITATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL LIFE AND DIFFERENTIATED MATTER PREMISE/ABSTRACT: as a rotating dynamo primarily agitated by the Moon, our planet and likely most comparable celestial objects, themselves have produced increasingly stable yet responsive orders of cohered organic systems/life through constructive entanglement of specifically-resonated vertical magnetic-torsion fields/scalar waves/tightly-hewn (by angular momentum) lines of force and the solar wind, once suitably conditioned by super EMF/Van Allen Belt attenuation PREFACE: primary note must be extended to controversial British electrical engineer and independent researcher Maurice Cotterell, author of several provocative books including Astrogenetics, The Mayan Prophecies (with Adrian Gilbert) and FutureScience, who in 1989 with the aid of Cranfield Universitys powerful computer platform, made some extremely important discoveries (a few since corroborated by NASA and others) concerning the Sun, such as: it controlled both fertility rates and manifestation of personality traits (better correlating to astrological aspects than ever before) through negative (electrons) or positive (protons) charge values at general time of conception; possessed a consistent sunspot cycle of approximately 11.49 years. caused by: the planet Mercurys erratic orbit distorting solar rotational continuity, accelerating equatorial progress to 24 days and slowing its polar rate to 35 days; comparable magnetic lines of force generated becoming systematically twisted and ultimately piercing the Suns photosphere, or effective surface. Comparing Related Dimensions: Mercury - 3.032 miles in diameter; perihelion (closest to Sun) 28.5 million miles, apohelion (furthest) 43.5 million miles Sun/Sol - 865,346 miles in diameter Moon/Luna - 2,159 miles in diameter; perigee (closest to Earth) 225, 309 miles, apogee (furthest) 252.000 miles Earth/Terra - 7,750 miles in diameter .....while a possible argument could be made that the differences in constituting material (plasma, as opposed to denser mineral deposits) are a determining factor, nevertheless, if Mercury can have such a dramatic effect on solar dynamics despite orbiting one-third to half an entire Astronomical Unit (93,000 miles) away, at still two-thirds its size but just 0.6 the average distance (239,000 versus 36 million miles) it must be presumed the Moon has very similar effects on Earth, almost certainly sizable seismic events and likely does create some discrepancy in rotational rates as well, causing cohered magnetic end-products of the sort which allow for sunspots, to breach its crust and surface, becoming entangled with the solar wind that has first passed through leading EMFs..... CULTURAL REFERENCES: in a majority of religious and folkloric traditions worldwide - including some early Christian sects, as witnessed by many images of Jesus Christ backlit by a distinctly solar halo - the Sun is viewed as predominantly responsible for life, a Father figure to Mother Earth and, as observed previously, the title Christ directly derives from the Greek crystallos, or frozen light - coupled with his being referred to as, The Son Of God, God Incarnate and The Light, its my belief these epithets werent overstated; with breakthroughs in understanding quantum physics, its reasonable to believe all life and, to a lesser extent, differentiated matter, utilizes sunlight and other cosmic radiation in various ways, primarily through photosynthesis (absent chlorophyll) quite possibly the origins of Christianitys symbolic Eucharist, while there is a gigantic pinecone sculpture located in the Vaticans foyer, symbolic of the pineal gland/third eye and, I firmly, believe, its impressive ability to concentrate and transmute light into matter in earliest days of existence. In addition, Biblical entries in Genesis and John state, In the beginning, there was The Word (actually appearing in Greek as, Logos, meaning symbols or signs/signals) and The Word was made flesh (referring to Jesus)....the Jewish tetragrammaton (the literal Greek meaning: 4-WORD - not, as would be expected, letter - form) traditionally inscribed (with vowels implied) as, Y H W H (deriving in part from pre-Phoenician alphabet pictographs for: hand, window, hook, window) and was said to be, unpronounceable - I submit this difficulty arose from it being a four-part composite tone or resonance which was critical to the formation of denser, more coherent configurations than existed, while use of Word doesnt necessarily refer strictly to sound but, rather, any vibrational signatures suitably shaped - and entangled, correlated..... FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS: as bioelectrical values (particularly, brainwaves) in humans and other animals have seemed to adjust with changes in the Schumann Resonance, or Earths aggregate electromagnetic vibrational rate, of a normal 7.83 to over 11 Hz, its relative output has weakened considerably; to me, this strongly suggests the catalyst for topological configuration somehow occurring at an ionospheric level associated with Schumann, even if graduated terrestrial density (i.e., the most material planetary aspects) determines actual form based upon range of resonant potential through descending feedback..... STEPS: 1. Solar wind exits its corona on trajectory in all directions with varying charge value proportions depending upon discrepancy of rotational cycles 2. Filtering through Earths Van Allen Belt, is altered to maximize configurability 3. Entangles/correlates with uppermost extremities/poles of relatively vertical, terrestrially-generated magnetic scalar waves in close proximity to each other, while 4. Same have penetrated crusts surface as lines of force, form changing with those in successive strata as related to density and similarly rendered most suitable for constructive entanglement IMPLICATIONS: if this hypothesis is subsequently found to be valid (and Hans Jennys work with cymatics increases that likelihood) then its clear that alterations to resonating strata such as those caused by extraction of petroleum, water or natural gas, will result in comparable changes to magnetic components and, by extension, GENETIC PROFILES; its been consistently demonstrated in experiments that DNA possesses considerable resonant potential, and markers might even be changed just by exposure to non-cohered (ambient) light sources.....in conclusion, while the late Dr. Robert Becker of Syracuse University discovered a possible magnetic process for development of axes (5 in humans and other quadrapeds, including heads) the prominent questions about morphogenesis and physical development remain - as Ive also expressed before, assimilation by digestion alone seems insufficient to facilitate it - so, given sunlights two basic parts, heat and an electromagnetic field, exposure to the former could boost motility and the latter, improve organizability.....what might provide very compelling support, is evidence these factors are even at play in communities at higher elevations.....nasa.gov/…/…/news/gallery/schumann-resonance.html
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 19:42:39 +0000

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