A Dance With Death Here I am sitting here in the corner of a - TopicsExpress


A Dance With Death Here I am sitting here in the corner of a massive room it’s dark I have tears in my eyes I hate being alive, ever since I lost her my whole life took the worst turn and I’m still struggling to hold the tears back when I see my lil brothers faces… everyday I’m faced with a new challenge I slip and stumble most of the time trying to get back on the road to success I’ve heard it over and over life gets worse before it gets better but from here I guess its my turn to get to the top cause life cant get any worse can it? Looking around the room with the little light that’s shining through a crack in the window there are pieces of a mirror on the floor I don’t remember breaking a mirror or maybe it was just in my imagination, I see you! You who is associated with the worst job heaven had to offer, could it be my turn? That you stand before me but you have a letter in your hands,.. you stretch out your arm towards me I feel that cold deadly chill that you’re associated with but still I take the letter looking at you without fear,… I always thought you coming to see me would a horrific encounter. I open the letter only to find a list of names some I know some I don’t why are you giving me a list? Aren’t you here for me? Didn’t God send you here to get me to answer my prayer but at the bottom of the list I see my name and it says “I’m not finished with you yet, I have big plans for you” I try smiling but I can’t seems like everything good in life left the day you came and took the most important person in my life away and left me here to deal with things and my family wonder why I’m always angry or just not in the right mind at times, its my turn, my turn to cry, my turn to miss her I carried you all on my shoulders that day,…I walked soooo many miles just to make sure they all got out safely you leant on me and I had no one physical to lean on for my rock was taken that day by you,… yes you have by far the hardest job in heaven from my view at least. I want to say I hate you but I know I shouldn’t cause you were only doing what God told you to do. I look at the list again I see a lot more names than before,.. its cold in here, it’s quiet all I wait to hear what else is happening and then it hits me I can’t here my heartbeat could you have taken me so quickly? Wait a second, it’s finally hit me the mirror, you, and the reflection I have the worst job in heaven now,… I’m the new angel of death Just shows you can be a king or street sweeper but in the end we all dance with the grim reaper Jason
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 09:01:19 +0000

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