A FAREWELL MESSAGE FROM A TEAMLEADER TO MANAGEMENT THAT WORKED FOR THE DA;Subject: Farewell Good Day Hope you are all doing well. So much happening today my last day and teams being split up. I would like to thank the DA for the opportunity that they gave me in working on this project. I have learned a lot that I did not know about the elections and the DA. I would however like to raise some concerns: With all due respect I know that starting a call centre takes a lot of thinking but the first mistake that was made was having the call centre on the same floor with accountants, this is like having a call centre in the library. There are so many things that could have been done differently in this project Firstly the communication levels are very poor, no one in management accept for Gerhard makes an effort to communicate in a proper manner, everyone else Barnie and Kyle in specific add fuel to the fire. In the call centre there are bound to be changes but the way of communication makes a huge difference on how people respond and react to the changes. There are changes that need immediate action and none of the changes that were made with immediate effect could have been communicated and given people to settle and accept the change. BARNIE: You are the Executive Director and you have apparently started 5 call centres however that does not mean you know everything. You speak proudly and say you don’t request but you demand things to happen as and when you want, then what is the point of hiring staff if you do not take whatever suggestions and reasoning they give you for better ways and processes to do things. Your communication is the worst ever, your approach needs a lot of work. You want people to want to work for you and enjoy working for you with still having order and discipline. The way you treat people is really not appropriate, these are human being and you are forgetting that these are potential voters and they way you treat them does not just reflect on you but to the DA as a whole and they tell their families and friends about the DA and do you think they will still want to vote for the DA????? You have 120 call centre agents who could have positively influenced other people to vote for the DA and most of these people are part of the you, you proudly call yourself HILTER what does that say about you??? You show no respect for people, for us team leaders you come to our teams bang doors, scream and shout disrespect us in front of our teams. We know you are in control there is no need for you to justify with your actions, and you want us to feel that you are the boss, when I told my mother about the things you do she said you remind her of the boere of the apartheid years!!!! That really made me sad. When you want you smile and be nice when you want you come in and don’t even greet what kind of a leader is that??? You tell us not to laugh and speak to each other but you have the freedom to laugh when you want, you want to team leader to give warnings to people that laugh and speak I wonder what happen to Freedom of Speech, If people question and challenge they are immediately targeted. You told team leaders not to be friends with people in their teams how about you practice what you preach because you have a best friend here at work who reports to you, Gerhard!!! You have a great team that could be helping you but you don’t give them a chance. The agents are here because they need the jobs and you know that very well, but to always threaten them and showing them the door is really unnecessary, the only time that the people ever see you is when you want to threaten them and then at the end thank them and they can all hear that you don’t mean that you just saying that because you have to. For once appreciate what the people are doing when provincial directors are here they appreciate them more than you have ever appreciated them and when they are here you are the nicest person ever why cant you be like that atleast twice a week. You really need to work on your peoples skills as well as your leadership skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have control of your attitude so please work on it When you have the people on your side they deliver better results do not be the enemy. Gerhard You are the sweetest person ever , I think if you were not here this place would have been worse than what it is. You have good communication skills and you make an effort to reach out and people respond better to you but unfortunately there is only so much you can do alone without support from your superiors. You have a lot going on for you and don’t let anyone change you. Continue to stand up for things that you see are wrong that are happening here to the agents. NATASHYA You have a pretty smile but you really need more than that. You are the call centre manager and you need to hae a back bone , you need to know what the people need without just parroting what Barnie is telling you and do it even if you don’t agree with it or even understand it. You need to stand your ground and show Barnie there are better ways of doing things and dealing with people. KYLE I have worked with you before and you were the best consultant ever, you smiled and at the same time disciplined people. Your communication was not arrogant and aggressive. Now its as if your goal to have your employees hate you. You are here to as their HR as well but you never once want to find out how they are doing, their concerns instead you are used to always relay the bad new. You might not care if people like you or not but you don’t want to loose your employees respect. I am not sure wether you are under a lot of stress from the DA and they have changed you , changed your personality to this unpleasant person you have become. You goodness and kindness is still there and you can still discipline and follow the rules without coming across as rude. TEAM LEADERS: You guys are great, but you can also make a difference within your teams, make it pleasant for you people. Management If you think that I allowed people to go on the internet and on their phones you are wrong. My team have each other’s backs and they do not tell on each other and closing an internet page is quick and none of you have caught them live even you Barnie when you sneeked to my room. You are hiring people and firing people everyday day, you know that managing people does not mean giving warning and in giving those warning not following that BCE, I know you , you know better and you are better than this. This can really be the best place to work for but if you continue the way you are you might have bigger problems in your hands, people know people who know people and this can go public and the DA does not need this kind of publicity especially now. NO HARD FEELINGS!!! THIS IS THE WAY THAT 95 % IN THE CALL CENTRE FEELS I HOPE YOU WILL MAKE SOME CHANGES IN THE CENTRE
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 18:08:34 +0000

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