# A FRIENDLY MESSAGE TO ALL MY UNEDUCATED SOCIAL MEDIA (CHALDEAN/ASSYRIAN) BROTHERS AND SISTERS, THAT KEEP POSTING FALSE and HIGHLY FABRICATED, ANTI-ISLAMIC PROPAGANDA, DEMONIZING AND DISRESPECTING THE HOLY QURAN AND TEACHINGS OF THE MERCY TO ALL MANKIND, THE HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD! I am posting this with a grain of salt: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by US, UK Intelligence and Mossad - NSA Documents 16 July 2014 The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called the hornets nest. NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornets nest to protect Israel by creating religious and Islamic slogans. #truth #repost Knowing that the federal agents of the UK and CIA are most likely of the Christian faith, and that the Mossadi Agents are most likely Jews(Zionists), Im still not IGNORANT enough to blame the entire religion they belong to for their destructive planning and satanic strategies. Im educated enough to know that the true essence behind these divine and peaceful religions rebuke, condemn, and are in opposition to such plotting. Remember, terrorism, corruption, and injustice, HAS NO RELIGION! Much blood has been spilled in the name of Christianity and or Christians. Did Muslims Kill over 150m Native Americans? Did Muslims Enslave 400m Blacks and ship them to the Americas (95% of which died on the journey and had their bodies tossed at sea)? Did Muslims start First World War? 37m killed Did Muslims start Second World War? 41.5m (European deaths only) Did Muslims start the Holocaust killing 7m Jews? Did Muslims start Korean War? 1.2m Did Muslims start Vietnam War? 1.1m And the one that makes most Muslims upset with the recent anti Muslim backlash is the recent war in Iraq were over 2m people were killed. Many wonder where was the outrage in the Chaldean/ Assyrian community this this holocaust. Just in the last century seven times more people have died in Christian wars: 113.8 million compared to the 16.4 million who died in Muslim wars. Yet I am not ignorant enough to label these deaths on Christians or blame Christianity. However Islam is not afforded the same respect. All these events and killing are placed on Islam as a religion and Muslims as a whole. Thats not right or fair. What drives me personally insane is the pharse Silence is acceptance. WHOS BEEN SILENT?!! Muslims have been warning about these #TAKFIRI Wahhbi groups since the begining ESPECIALLY the Shias of the world. We have been killed and slaughtered way before these groups looked at any other minorites. They have attacked and blew up our mosques and we were told shia problem they destroyed our shrines and graves of respected personalities and still we were told shia problem. Not until these DOGS OF HELL attacked our Christian brothers did the world stop to listen. But still I am not ignorant enough to blame my Sunni brothers for these US BACKED, FUNDED AND TRAINED NUT JOBS(Thats a whole different discussion). There is a Media Bias(especially in this country) We are NEVER given a media format on news stations like FOX or CNN etc. And if by God they do find someone to put on it is ALWAYS someone that barely can speak english or format a cohesive sentence. Why not our educated scholars, PHDs and the plethora of intelligent people we have? Yet the media strangely can only find these types. There is a propaganda war that has been raised on ISLAM and MUSLIMS in general were we are constantly attacked as the root of all terrorism when INFACT 90% of the terrorism that is committed is done by Non-Muslims yet you wouldnt know that with our media coverage here in the states. (credits of last paragraph, to a seeker of truth, brother Sam J. Jawad
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 20:45:04 +0000

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