[A Farmers Year by Angus Buchan] Strength from the Lord “ - TopicsExpress


[A Farmers Year by Angus Buchan] Strength from the Lord “ …Run in such a way that you may obtain it.” – 1 Corinthians 9:24b In a marathon, many runners start strong and fall out along the way because they overstretch themselves. Are you doing that, my friend, in your life? Are you stopping and taking time to rest? Are you spending time with the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you taking regular breaks with your family? Or are you just pressing on regardless. If you are, you are in danger of failing to finish your race. The old ivory hunters who penetrated into darkest Africa used to walk for ten days and rest for twenty. Dr David Livingstone was a man on an urgent mission. He wanted to see the horrific trade in human flesh, namely slavery, put to an end once and for all so he walked for twenty days and rested for ten. He knew the importance of pacing himself and waiting upon the Lord. Even the Lord Jesus Christ Himself regularly took time to go up the mountain and wait upon His Father for strength, direction and guidance. What makes us think we can work until we drop from exhaustion? The bigger the task, the more time we need to spend with Jesus. That is the key to miracles, signs and wonders. It is also the key to renewing our strength (Isaiah 40:31).
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 11:09:22 +0000

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