A GENTLE ANSWER TURNS AWAY WRATH, BUT A HARSH WORD STIRS UP ANGER. Prov 15:1 In my impatience and frustration with incompetence or low productivity in others,i have sometimes made what some felt were harsh remarks. when i have worked in a company culture where termination for poor performance was rare, i felt that telling the employee the harsh truth was my only recourse. this imprudent use of my tongue has never yielded positive results. Solomon says of the wise woman in the book of proverbs,she opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness(prov 31:26).speaking kindly to others was one of the core principles of this womans life.when you really think about it,there is never any justification for being harsh or unkind in our communication.if we claim that God is our father, we wont practice such behaviour either.we will deliberately choose words that are warmhearted,understanding,and sympathetic. As a steward of the grace God has extended to us, we must in turn extend that same grace to others. we must cultivate the habit of speaking kind words especially to those whom we feel may not deserve it - isnt that what grace is all about?. This does not mean that we burry our heads in the sand and refuse to deal with problematic situations.However, before we approach anyone, we must go to God and get His words, which always get the desired results.we cannot achieve Gods purpose while being harsh.isa55:11. The old saying sticks and stones may break my bones,but words can never harm me is totally untrue.Harsh words never die and they can impact a person for a lifetime. many who are considered societys outcasts today have been victims of verbal abuse at some point during their lives. The perpetrators include parents,Teachers,Insecure spouses and others who may have been battling their own emotional issues. Solomon said,He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty,and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city prov16:32 I/You can begin to take control over that destructive behaviour by the power of the Holy spirit. Remember that cutting words can never be recovered, so dont let harshness or verbal abuse be named among my/your character traits.I/you make a decision that kindness will be one of the core principles of my/your life.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 09:47:33 +0000

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