A January-Long Series: My Own Open Letters! Day 19: To - TopicsExpress


A January-Long Series: My Own Open Letters! Day 19: To Political Power Dear Mr. Power Why Do You Never Remember Yesterday & Tomorrow? 1.0 I see you stifling a laugh. You knew I was coming after you the day I wrote to Mr. Money, right? Right, I started planning for you from that day. Theres no prize for guessing why anyone will think of you next once Money is mentioned. You both are a game-changer; you both are hard-to-get; you both are five and six. My Leader reminded me today -and he is correct- that you can only fully know your friend or family when such a one has money or you; political Power, that is. And I add, or both. Very few good people remain so after they come into wealth or power, or both. Most people always change, because with Money or you in their pockets, they think that places them on top of the world. That may be true but it is never forever! 2.0 People will always remember Money when you are being discussed, and vice versa. Money and you are interchangeable. Money and you are Siamese twins. Did I say Money and you are five and six? I erred. Money is six. You, Mr. Power, are half a dozen. Yours is a Dream Combination (read, Dream Team); Money and you are a formidable, unstoppable, indomitable pair! 3.0 Oh no, Mr. Power, this mail is not about Money. He has had his day. It is your turn today. I confess, though, that I got carried away hitherto just to prove beyond every reasonable doubt that you both are enfants terribles. Did I convince you? It doesnt matter, really. Rather, lets move on so I can let you in on the nitty-gritty of my grouse about you. Why are you so haughty to like and unlike, so forgetful of yesterday, so unmindful of tomorrow? Why are you so crazy? Why do you always carry on as if you are the best thing since ice cream, as if you own the world, as if you will last for eternity? 4.0 Mr. Power, why is it so impossible for people who gain you to remain themselves; you know, to be who they were before the war? Without jogging my memory, I can readily Afghanistanise about a thousand and one men and women abroad who were so pro-people that they were elected on a platter of gold into some high offices but who allowed you to baptise them with a tigritude thats totally anti-people. Check out this list: Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Robert Mugabe, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Ghadafi, and Hosni Mubarak. I am tired of naming more of these heroes-at-the-beginning, villains-at-the-end characters. That means I cannot add any woman to the list. Feel free to add, if. And if I dont want to name women who began with you on a high but ended on a low, why must I wash the dirty linen of Nigerian examples in public? You know them, dont you? 5.0 Up close and personal, things are so bad about you that here at home you are considered a cursed, good-for-nothing laughingstock. It is hard to name a Local Government Chairman, Councillor, Supervisor let alone a State Governor, Legislator, Commissioner and their national equivalents who have not disgraced you one way or the other. By the way, what form do you take? Are you a maggot, or a virus, or a bacterium, or a spirit? How do you operate? Is it that once someone takes office you steal into his brain and unscrew some nuts? Because, truth to tell, some Power Brokers and Holders are just psychiatric cases. This is really so politically but it is no better in apolitical offices. Have you noticed that the Gatekeeper is even more powerful (read, power-drunk) than the home owner; Secretarys say-so is more important than the bosss; the guards are more zealous than their master? Why do people change so horribly the moment they have even a tenured-you? How do they forget all the abuses they themselves rained on previous leaders who messed up in office? Why do they only remember friends and family after they have left office? Why do people become humble (again) the moment they leave office? Mr. Power, why do you hurriedly drop/abandon people the minute they leave office or you? Is the problem you, or the human being? About the latter, why do we have an alarming majority being desperate to acquire you? Why do you allow murderers, idolaters, mediocrities and allied evil people to possess and mis(use) you? Are you blind, Mr. Power? Or, are you so powerless yourself? And tell me, how was it possible for Madiba to evade you all the way; remaining calm, sweet and un-influenced in your intimidating presence from start to finish? God bless Nigeria! Your monitor Michael BUSH Abuja-Nigeria Breaking News: BUSH HOUSE SCHOOLS reopens here tomorrow, the 20th, as promised!
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 21:24:36 +0000

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