A Muslim family have been left fearing for their safety after - TopicsExpress


A Muslim family have been left fearing for their safety after discovering a number of racist notes in their letterbox. Since receiving the intimidating letters on Wednesday, a Brisbane mother-of- three has admitted that she is too afraid to let her children, who are all under the age of six, play outside. Illustrated with swastikas and the letters KKK, the mail was addressed to Muslim c***s* and terrorist c***s and threatened to kill your women and children. They were also inscribed with the words white power coming soon and said we know where you live… this is the beginning. A Muslim family living in Brisbane found the pictured three racist notes in their mailbox on Wednesday A mother-of-three who received the notes said she was too afraid to let her young children play outside We reported it [to police], but not sure anything will come of it...I will not let my children play outside any more... so disgusting and extremely uneducated, the mother, who preferred to remain anonymous, wrote on the Islamophobia Register of Australias Facebook page. My in-laws visit often [and] they all wear hijab...my husbands cousin also got the same letter she too doesnt wear hijab. Both our families have young children and thats what this letter is threatening! Ive taken it serious[ly] and I am scared. Her husband told Daily Mail Australia he had no idea why his family had received the letters, saying that they mostly kept to themselves. I pray regularly at home, but I dont go to any local mosques, he said. They probably didnt see a Christmas tree over Christmas and thought he must be Muslim. Her husband said he was unsure why his family had been targeted as they kept to themselves, adding that he believed the notes writer to be a local The man said believed the writer of the note was someone from his neighbourhood, adding: Its someone who lives in the area, a local, definitely. Weve got CCTV cameras at home and weve seen them do it [insert the letters] the night before at 7:30pm. A spokeswoman for Queensland police told Daily Mail Australia that they had received the complaint and confirmed that an active forensic examination of the notes was under way. Mohammed Yusuf, the former president of the Islamic Council of Queensland, said there had been an increase in anti-Muslim sentiment following the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris. There is a lot of this happening. I have personally received emails – not threatening, but abusive - so its nothing new, he said. Its a concern because you dont know what the next step could be; it could be an actual physical incident. The notes were reported to police and to the Islamophobia Register of Australia The founder of the Islamophobia Register of Australia, Mariam Veiszadeh, told Daily Mail Australia that threats like the one received by the Brisbane family were not common, but admitted that the nature of the incident was concerning. Founder of the register, Mariam Veiszadeh, said incidents like this were common following acts of terror and public conversation about national security Incidents like this are common following periods of increased hostility such as the Sydney siege or more particularly, following the raids in Sydney that targeted Australian Muslims, Ms Veiszadeh said. Its not happening on such a regular basis at the moment, but given the nature of the threats - targeting their children and given that it was left in their letterbox and essentially identifying them as if someone was observing them – it is quite worrying. Having spoken to the mother who received the letter, she was incredibly frightened that evening and she was struggling, so it is something that impacts families and communities. The register was launched in 2014 following the police raids and anecdotal evidence of Islamophobia began to surface. There wasnt any comprehensive reporting on what was happening and we wanted to capture it in a meaningful way, provide a forum to discuss anti-Muslim sentiment and provide support for the victims and speak on their behalf to police to ensure they were being taken seriously, Ms Veiszadeh said. We are also interestingly getting reports from non-Muslim Australians who are witnessing incidents. Its encouraging and shows that slowly there can be a shift in attitudes. Read more: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2917658/We-know-live-Muslim-family-receives-vile-hate-letters-featuring-Nazi-swastikas-KKK-symbols-threats-kill-women-children.html#ixzz3PQmzJ2mG Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 05:33:02 +0000

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