A PLEASURABLE SENSATION PER HOUR KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY...AND BOOSTS WORK PRODUCTIVITY. Its true: we dont take enough time to experience the pleasures of our body and senses. Just stroking your palms improves self-confidence. Stroking your arms reduces negative emotions. Smelling, tasting, and savoring a single bite of food for 20 seconds makes you eat less and enjoy it more. There are many ways to become more sensually aware and alive: mindfully taking a shower or bath and feeling the different sensations. Feeling the wind on your face as you walk or jog. Hugging yourself. Slowly washing your hands and face with warm or cool water. Just moving in slow motion. Feeling the clothes on your body. Without pleasurable sensory awareness, we cripple the motivation center in our brain, our consciousness narrows, and we become more irritable toward others. So try to spend 60 seconds an hour experiencing the wonderful sensations of life! TODAYS NEURO-TIP AND CHALLENGE: write down, in this post, 2-3 things you will do in the next hour to pleasurably honor your body. The dopamine that is immediately released will actually improve your work productivity for 30-60 minutes!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 17:18:08 +0000

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