A Purpose for War William starts his book by questioning why - TopicsExpress


A Purpose for War William starts his book by questioning why humans go to war. Human psychology, sociology, political leadership, economic conditions, and natural surroundings have to be taken into consideration. Many thinkers, however, have erroneously equated all human motives with motives found in the animal kingdom. This is a mistake because intelligence breeds complexity. Motivation becomes more elaborate with the rise of intelligence. It is easy to understand the mental stimuli in two alley cats squabbling over a scrap of food, but it would be a mistake to attribute as simple a state of mind to a terrorist planting a bomb in an airport. (PP 2) In other words, you must raise your level of thinking/awareness to a higher level in order to see the truth. War is an effective tool for political and social control over a large population. It can be used to keep a people divided as well. If a people are divided they are less likely to realize the truth. Conflicts and turmoil cover earth’s history like a rash. But very few even realize who started these wars and for what purpose simply because they are not looking at the world from the proper perspective. In 1990 I started studying UFOs. I came home from work one evening, turned on the Television like most other people do and airing on the FOX Network was a show called, Sightings. It was a show dedicated to the unexplained. It often showed UFO footaqe from around the world. The footage they were playing that night was very convincing to me so I decided to look into the subject further. As time went by I expanded my research to the Bible and ancient civilizations. I had no idea where this research would lead me. bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/alien_godseden02.htm
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 02:58:54 +0000

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