A SNEAKY BACK AND BICEPS WORKOUT FOR THURSDAY EVENING Reverse-Grip Pulldown: Target: Inner lats 1 warm up set of 8 – 10 reps 3 working sets to failure in 8 – 10 reps Try to focus on squeezing your back muscles as you lower the weight down to your chest. Start low and increase weight rep after rep to decrease rep range. Wide-grip Lat Pulldown: Target: Outer lats 1 warm up set of 8 – 10 reps 3 working sets to failure in 10 – 12 reps You may be wondering why are we performing one lat exercise after another. The answer is because the wide-grip pulldowns activate a different part of the lats. This exercise focuses on the width of the lat muscles to give that wide appearance. One-Arm Dumbbell Row Target: Lats 1 warm up set of 10 – 12 reps 3 working sets to failure in 8 – 12 reps Make sure you increase the weight after every rep. This way you are going to shock the muscles and make bigger rips in the muscle tissue. In return this will resort to more muscle gains. Romanian Deadlift Target: Lower back 1 warm up set of 20 reps 3 working sets to failure in 16 – 18 reps Lower the barbel right under your knees while keeping your legs bent, your hips back, and your chin up. If you are performing this exercise correctly you are going to feel a tension in the lower back area instead of the hamstrings. Hammer-Grip Dumbbell Curl Target: Biceps 1 warm up set of 10 – 15 reps 3 working sets to failure in 8-10 reps Machine Preacher Curls Target: Biceps 1 warm up set of 10 – 15 reps 3 working sets to failure in 8 – 12 reps Try to lower the bar as low as possible. EZ Bar curls Target: Biceps 1 warm up set of 10 reps 3 working sets to failure in 8 – 10 reps The final exercise A good reason to use the EZ bar instead of an ordinary bar is because it takes a lot of pressure out from the wrists. Try grabbing the bar from the curve in the inner section of the bar. HAVE A GO AND LET US KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKS.. BRILLIANT PUMP OF THIS ONE FOLKS....STILL SORE FROM TUESDAY
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 14:23:00 +0000

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