A STRATERGY MEETING ON PRINTING EXTRA BALLOT PAPERS TAKES PLACE TODAY AT STATE HOUSE. As Joyce Banda is trying hard that any presidential candidate win but not Peter Mutharika. Security officers at state house who have been frustrated by JB selective paying of allowances whereby some officers are paid 4000 kwacha instead of 6000 kwacha which selected few are receiving. We have been alerted that there will be a meeting this morning where JB and her team want to print extra papers which will be marked in her favour or Chakwera and strategically taken to designated places in other districts where ballot papers have not been taken to MEC warebouse in an attempt to make sure that Peter Mutharika of DPP doesnt emerge a winner during a country wide vote recounting exercise. Joyce Banda is reported afraid of the crimes she has commited and she needs shield from the President she wants for Malawians and not what Malawians have chosen for themself. This is a reason she said If a re election was done she would not stand as PP would support MCP in exchange of protection If Chakwera wins. We will keep you updated of what will be the execution plan for the move JB wants. Greetings from Magede Si Wandale-Afrobarometer Joyce Banda. I told you that you will always remains a losser.
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 05:52:29 +0000

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