A TRIBUTE TO THE boys and girls THAT HAVE DEFENDED THE NATION, boys and girls presently DEFENDING THE NATION and the boys and girls THAT WILL DEFEND THE NATION IN FUTURE and to unsung heroes in the like of Fazil Darus and many more. Bro Fazil Darus, Remember in full battle order steel helmet too, the sand in the jerry can weapon strap to it carried on the shoulder, parachute strap to the back, reserve parachute in the front and kick step all the way to the waiting C130 engine running. All the equipment were heavier than me and I am bigger than you I wonder how you managed it? It was such a relief to sit in the paratroopers net in the Charlie :) Then the flight, then the inevitable orders damn! Attach equipment, stand-up, hook-up, equipment check! The buddy-buddy check front and back was dead serious. Then One ready! Two ready! and so on ....... Twelve ready! Starboard stick ready, Sir! Then the other stick shouted their report .......Port stick ready, Sir! DO YOU STILL REMEMBER the JERRY CAN FILLED WITH SAND hanging from your chest, REAL HEAVY what more the full battle gear, bullets in the pouches, main parachute on the back, reserve parachute in front. I really dreaded the moment waiting before the aircraft doors are opened as I would be soaked wet in sweat winter or not and standing-up when the equipment on you was heavier than you was no mean feat and in a wobbly aircraft too! Five minutes to drop zone! Sticks move forward! Then you feel the aircraft decent rapidly to 1,200 feet the heigt we jump from during training and 800 feet in actual combat for static jumps. We kickstep towards the still closed door. Then whooosh the side doors were opened you thought the aircaft was going to crash as the wind rushed in and the aircrat wobbled left and right as the gallant pilots struggled to keep the flight as steady as possible. You see the horizon in front of you for that split moment and the red light on by the door. You are being lurched around by the buffering wind. Then not too soon the green light! The dispatcher jumpmaster growled Go, go, go! Within seconds all 24 of us were out of the aircraft. Remember the RUSH bro? Most people will not understand why for military static jump the LOWER the better! m.youtube/watch?v=Of4E-2fSeWs
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 04:13:14 +0000

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