A TRUE LIFE STORY [MUST READ To The END] This is a True Life - TopicsExpress


A TRUE LIFE STORY [MUST READ To The END] This is a True Life Story of Mr and Mrs Nnamdi. Mr and Mrs Nnamdi have been married for some years and with kids. They were both Graduates but opt to do one business or the other to make ends meet because of the scarcity of JOB in Nigeria. They have done so many things and tried various Network Marketing company just to achieve their dreams of Financial Freedom. Instead of Making it Big, their situation went from Bad to worse. It was so bad that they had to resolve to selling AKARA at Iyana Ipaja just be able to feed the family. It was at this Lowest state of their life that AIM Global came into Nigeria. He was Opportune to be Invited by a Friend to Listen to the Opportunity Plan Presentation @Ikeja. After listening to this wonderful Opportunity, he fell so much in Love with the Marketing Plan that he wanted to Start immediately. But unfortunately he was beyond BROKE at that point in time. All they had left @that time was their small car. Because he wanted to Start Big with 7 Accounts i.e 252k, the wife Reluctantly Agreed with him to sell their only car for them to Register for this Wonderful Opportunity. Lo and Behold after just 3 Months in AIM Global doing the business and following simple instructions with Massive Action he was able to buy a New Car and he started making his Millions Every Month. Today he and his wife are Global Ambassadors in AIM Global, the Highest Rank in Our Company. Their stories have changed from a struggling family to a more comfortable one that has everything at their beck and call... Today he has just Launched his Second car just by doing #AIMGLOBAL in just 1year and 6Months. He has Traveled Twice to Philippines With an all Expense Paid Trip with his wife. Next Month they will both be going to the USA for 17 days Vacation with 10 Years Multiple Entry Visa all for FREE plus $3,000 for Shopping. I dont know what is your present condition at the moment? Have you lost all hopes? Are you unemployed? Are you tired of your JOB? Do You Need Another Source of Income? Do You have some money to Invest? Do you want a drastic CHANGE of your Status? You Also can be part of this wonderful, Life Time Opportunity either with 36k to make Over 10 Million Naira or 108k to make Over 30 Million Naira or 252k to make over 70 Million Naira all in 12 Months. To Get an Invitation for a Life Transforming Seminar on how to get Started TODAY, Pls send Your Name, Location and Number to Seun on 08145248630 or Ping me on BBM Pin: 27302A40 NOW! NOTE: It is Not Over until it is Over. Only those who TRULY desire a CHANGE in their situation should Contact Me. Help Share this Story with all YOUR Contacts on all Social Networks. This might just be the Opportunity they have been waiting for! Thanks and God Bless.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:28:46 +0000

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