A call from the National Coalition 4 Palestine (NC4P). Please sign - TopicsExpress


A call from the National Coalition 4 Palestine (NC4P). Please sign and share. Over 3 500 signatures collected in a very short time. We, the undersigned, respectfully and yet urgently demand that the South African Parliament debates the current war on the people of Gaza by the Apartheid Israeli regime and adopts a resolution to condemn the attacks on and killing of innocent people and the destruction of property including health facilities, and to call for the termination of diplomatic relations with the State of Israel. The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation implement the various relevant resolutions formally adopted by the ANC Parliamentary Caucus, the Gauteng Provincial Legislature, the ANC Youth League and the South African Communist Party to recall the South African Ambassador to Israel and to ask Arthur Lenk, Israel’s Ambassador to Pretoria, to return to where he comes from. The South African Government to give concrete expressions to the numerous calls from civil society, the trade unions, religious and community leaders – including more than 100 Jewish leaders – to end South Africa’s military agreements/sales to and all economic relations with the State of Israel. The gap between what civil society and the ruling party proclaim and demand on the one hand and what the government does and appears to be prepared to do, on the other is far too wide! We expected an elected government to listen to the voice of the people! We expect a government whose members are deployed to their positions by a specific party to heed the voice of that party – not lobbies for a foreign government – even these lobbies masquerade as the representatives of a specific religious group! Issued by the National Coalition for Palestine- nationalcoalitionforpalestine@gmail Enough is enough! chn.ge/1qb9ncM change.org/p/sa-parliament-president-and-minister-of-international-relations-and-cooperation-end-relations-with-apartheid-israel-now?share_id=kStaOiiKXX&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_medium=facebook&utm_source=share_petition
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 08:12:16 +0000

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