“A child wants everything to be done, instantly; whatsoever he - TopicsExpress


“A child wants everything to be done, instantly; whatsoever he desires should be done immediately. If he desires the moon, the moon should be produced immediately, right now. He cannot even wait. A child wants everything, everybody, to accommodate to him. A child is a dictator, and whenever a child is born into a family, he changes the whole atmosphere. He makes everybody a servant— And the ego is born in that childhood. The child thinks: Whenever I cry, my mother runs immediately; whenever I am hungry, just an indication, and the breast is given. Whenever I am wet, just a slight crying, weeping, and somebody comes and changes my clothes. The child lives like an emperor. In fact he is absolutely helpless and dependent, and the mother, father, and family are all helping him to survive. But the ignorant mind of the child interprets it as if he is the center of the whole world, as if the whole world exists for him. Once out of the circle of the family, problems will arise. Because nobody bothers as your mother bothered about you; nobody is concerned as your father was concerned with you. There is total indifference. And the ego is hurt. But now the pattern is set. He will play with other children and try to dominate. He will go to school and try to dominate, to come first in class, to become the most important man. He will try to become a Napoleon, an Alexander, an Adolph Hitler—your presidents, prime ministers, dictators, are all childish. Everybody is trying to control, manoeuvre, domineer—through wealth, power, politics, knowledge, strength, lies, pretensions, hypocrisies, even religion, morality—to show the whole world that ‘I am the center.’ The ego is the most immature phenomenon: it is childish, not knowing what it is doing. You are the emperor and everybody is a servant. You are the end and everybody is a means. If you think too much of yourself, if you think of yourself as somebody significant, then every day, every moment you will find that injustice is being done to you. Nobody is being unjust. Existence is not denying you anything. There is no injustice, there has never been, there cannot be. Who are you? Why should the whole accommodate to you? You are just like a wave on the ocean and you are trying to make the ocean accommodate to you. Foolish. Patently foolish. It is not possible. You can go on thinking about it, but you will be a failure. Ego is always a failure, because the impossible is asked.” OshO 🍁
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 15:24:38 +0000

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