A consistent pattern in behavior leads to character formation, - TopicsExpress


A consistent pattern in behavior leads to character formation, defines your lifestyle and determines how you are perceived by your peers and everyone else. The same way as your eyes grows accustomed to darkness after a little while, the same ways as your eyes get accustomed to a nasty bump on your nice car, so too have our eyes become used to seeing rampant looting and yet little is done to prevent its recurrence, not only on the side of the police force but also on the part of affected communities. These acts of criminality have not sufficiently generated public disquiet and a sense of universal outrage as much as they should. Soon enough our collective conscience will become desensitized from these common occurrences of wonton thuggery. These acts will finally define us as a society. Ultimately, we will be seen in worlds eyes as a bunch of lazy crooks.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 10:29:52 +0000

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