A continuation of the disgussion (conflation of disgusted - TopicsExpress


A continuation of the disgussion (conflation of disgusted discussion) of dynastic governance. In anticipation of the 2016 campaign, here is a very revealing quote from journalist Joshua Green in the very latest issue of the Washington Monthly, the best newsmagazine we get: In the late spring of 2008, when it was clear Obama would secure the nomination, a bunch of [Hillary] Clintons staffers leaked to me a stack of internal campaign emails and strategy memos that laid bare what really went wrong: Clintons campaign, practically from the outset, devolved into competing factions of advisers who jockeyed for future White House jobs with such furious intensity that no one paid much attention to her race. I know that this afflicts many campaigns. But theres little doubt in my mind that Hillary Clinton will be the front-runner for the Democratic nomination in 2016 despite her troubling inability to run a competent campaign. And that while other campaigns suck in the same way, its because of her dynastic connections that fouling up in 2008 will be no barrier to her getting nominated and then fouling up in 2016. Because Clinton. Shes too big to be failed, basically. But Joshua Green said Clinton herself failed a crucial executive test in 2008 by not getting her campaign in order. And that in 2016, we wont know if Clinton has learned the right lesson [from her 2008 experience] until the Republican nominee gets a chance to test her. As I side-eye the Jason Carter campaign for not being able to do simple tasks, like e-mailing donors (hi Hayden, still dont know how to use your smartphone?), I cant help but wonder if were going to see this play out on a national stage in 2016. This isnt about Hillarys campaign platform, or her personal beliefs, or about the need to put a woman in the White House. To steal a line from Dukakis, this isnt about ideology; this is about competence.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 20:03:43 +0000

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