A couple of months ago, I wrote a post bc of ignorant rumors that - TopicsExpress


A couple of months ago, I wrote a post bc of ignorant rumors that can affect my baby girl. Let me Stress this again.. Fundraisers are held by the families in need. They typically reach out to their community, church, families and friends to participate and Support. Bc the issue at hand can NOT be done alone. It also helps raise awareness for diseases or whatever reason needed. My daughter suffers from a disease called Sickle Cell Anemia, she qualifies/needs a transplant (Bone Marrow) that can possibly cure her disease. A FREE event was held and Sponsored by Brandon Perry (CKC) and He Reached out to GiveALife.org to help Swab A Cheek to Save a Life In April of 2014.. There were 3ppl who were FULL matches (from that drive) for other families in need unfortunately NOT one was for Aniyah. During that time I (Renee/Mother) purchased T-shirts (my idea) to help raise and Donate to Be The Match for (further research) or donate to other organizations that help in transplants towards Sickle Cell Disease and I am still TRYING to help find My Baby a Full Match (a potential match was found (in July 2014) but she did not qualify for other health reasons at the institutions to get the procedure done). There was ONLY ONE DINNER SALE (April 3-4 2014) Cooked by Ms. Sabrina Brandon ONLY and (she had 2 delivery ppl) and (NOT my idea) it was their idea also ONLY FUNDED by ME. Note: There Was ONLY 1 Fundraiser Dinner Sale and 1 T-shirt Sale Held to my knowledge in my Daughter name. If ANY one is claiming to HAVE DONE for Aniyah or had a Dinner Fundraiser to make themselves look good or need special attention or abusing by using my baby name are FRAUD!! Your Donations were NOT giving to Me for my daughter or the organizations to help in finding Aniyah a match. Note: bc of ignorance, lies and manipulating.. you can potentially Hurt the Future of Not just #AniyahWard but others who are in need of Cures or Need help to raise money to help their family. And this is Sad bc ppl really feed into this kind of drama and spread this disease called hate. Its Obvious. I shouldnt have to address this kind of issue but I feel its Important. Ppl claim to care but the actions show Never Did. So at the end of the Day my baby STILL need a Transplant and Im determined, I will never abuse that.. I need the help, MY GOD HAS LAST SAY.. She dont deserve the lies or trying to slander MY character.. your hurting her by TRYING to make me look bad. I didnt ask for My life but I Do Count My Blessings.. never asked for A Pity Party.. My life is Not Perfect. All I Need Help for is Finding Her a Match, continuing to Raise Awareness and A Understanding to the Ppl who Did Help and Wanted to Help may be reaching out to for Aniyah but KNOW u have to be able to Help another person In need! I cant say it enough.. THANK YOU (Til Im blue in the face) and I Appreciation EVERYONE who GENUINELY Supports Just That!! I never thought being Hated was Cute so please Stop it!!! Thats the Ugliest Trait a Human Can Have!!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 20:27:11 +0000

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