A cruel, and unfortunate truth for the majority of law - TopicsExpress


A cruel, and unfortunate truth for the majority of law enforcement. These are the men and women who put their lives on the line, only to be judged by others who could never fathom the situations law enforcement officers are put in. These situations often requiring making split-second decisions, that will forever change someones life. Whether it alters the officers, bystanders, or the suspects (innocent or guilty)...unless people were in that EXACT situation...have absolutely NO ground to judge. I think every citizen, who doubts the decisions most officers are forced to make on day-to-day basis, should have to walk a mile in their shoes. Hell, even a half-mile, for just one day. Unless they have walked that mile, they can shove their worthless opinions up their asses. Their uneducated opinions, or assumptions, whether taught or acquired, have no validity or worth. Although we are a LEO family, we possess a rare trait called common sense, and are law abiding citizens. Its unnerving to think that these brave men and women have to deal with such unnecessary BS. They deal with the BS not only from the law-breakers (the first people to dial 911 when they are in danger, or in some need of help),..but, also have to cope with the animosity and competition between themselves. When these officers subconsciously take the time to contemplate the repercussions for a necessary decision they had to make, in the heat of the moment, (based solely on instinct and real-world experience), it inevitably affects their judgement, in some form or fashion, and usually ends one-of-two ways. The officers decision leads to a huge investigation (fueled by political correctness and media frenzies), which threatens their familys livelihood...or thousands of LEOs having to attend one of the most emotional and saddening funerals one may EVER have to experience. That very officer that was subconsciously forced to weigh his options based on some textbook policy, or fear of being disciplined/publicly shamed...instead of using pure instinct, and training... has now had the unfortunate honor of his name being placed on The Officer Down Memorial Page. The absolute SADDEST part of being apart of a LEO family (omitting the ending styled above), is that the brotherhood, that once was, and naturally existed between most LEOs, is rapidly fading, and becoming non-existent. These problems, when combined, compound to the never-ending stress already placed upon them, and eventually affect them in professional, and sometimes personal aspects of their lives. Lack of support and trust from their community + an extinct brotherhood = an every man for himself, morale, where the known crackhead, WHATEVER their race, usually get the benefit of the doubt, and the officer being publicly and professionally scrutinized. Being a LEO pays like crap for what these men and women have to endure. The ones who arent in this line of work for the pay rate, and truly love their job for all of the RIGHT reasons (yes, there is the small percentage that arent)...are the only officers, I, personally, would want responding to my call for help. So, screw all the haters, the non-supporters, and the officers that dont know the true definition of a brotherhood. If you hate the law, you are more than likely in denial about being a some form of a shit head, and should lawfully be required to have the ONLY option to call another thug, or drug addict, next time youre in trouble, rather than requesting a LEOs assistance. Our officers are risking everything they have...only for you to threaten them when the result for you calling them, didnt judicially or lawfully end in your favor, recklessly slander their names and reputations, and ultimately waste their time when they could be responding to a real, and necessary call. So, heres to the majority of men and women, that deserve the utmost respect, professionally and personally, than practically any person in the world.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 18:02:08 +0000

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