A few days ago we lost a great man, a loss that Officer Rod - TopicsExpress


A few days ago we lost a great man, a loss that Officer Rod Bradway’s family and friends are trying to cope with, a loss that has changed their lives forever. Even though our government is only looking out for themselves and in a shambles the human spirit remains strong. I believe though out life we are sent on journeys/adventures, some are fun and exciting but others devastating and can break your heart. With each journey comes a lesson, a reason, as hard as it is to understand we have to accept them and be willing to open our eyes to see the lessons or reasons. These past few days my journey was filled with emotions much like a roller coaster. At times I understood my tears other times I had no clue what triggered them. There were feelings of pain so strong I thought my heart would break into, amazement, pride, love, compassion, and yes even joy. My pain was nothing to that of the Bradway family. I have always respected police officers (fire and service men and women too), well except when they gave me a ticket for running a red light or speeding. Since the events of the past few days my respect for them has grown even stronger. They put their life on the line every minute of every day knowing full well it could be their last. Rod’s comrades said even if Rod would have known the out come he would still have broken down the door. After Rod’s passing he was treated like royalty and that is how it should have been. His family was as well. I had always heard what a tight knit group the police officers were but now I have not only seen the strong bond I have felt the warmth and compassion of these wonderful men and women. From the time Rod was injured until long after the funeral there was at least one officer, usually more with or within shouting distance of the family. They protected the family and friends at all times and made sure if there was a need it was met. There was also and officer with Rod around the clock. During Rod’s viewing and funeral every few minutes there was a changing of the guard, a thing of beauty, a thing of pride. We watched in amazement as officer after officer entered the funeral home to pay their respects. Some of those officers came from Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois and Kentucky. EMT’s, numerous fire men and women, as well as people from all walks of life turned out to pay their respects to Rod. There were people who took their children with them to Rod’s viewing just so they could see a true hero, scout groups, individuals Rod had helped showed up to share their stories and thank his family, friends from his hometown in Nappanee, people that didn’t even know Rod came just to pay their respect. Some waited in line over 4 hours with out a complaint. Walking into Banker’s Life the morning for the funeral I was numb and don’t mind saying I felt sick to my stomach. At first the building felt cold and unfeeling but within moments the field house was filled with warmth and love. Hundreds of police, fire, EMT’s, Jonathan and Sierra’s school band, several government officials, friend and Rod’s family surrounded him. Kind and meaningful words were spoken, the best were spoken by the Mayor of Nappanee because he shared stories of Rod from his youth and how he had left his mark back home. Jonathan and Sierra’s band played a couple of very memorable pieces, a young lady sang, “Heaven Was Needing a Hero”, a very moving song and one which tugged at your heart strings. I have felt the loss of many family members and friends but this was one of the most overwhelming and toughest services I have ever been involved with. Two children lost their father way to early, a wife lost her mate, a mom and dad lost a life they created and watched grow, a brother lost a friend, and grandparents lost one of the joys of their lives. A loss that has left them with a very deep empty hole and they can not begin to explain the pain they feel inside. A tragic story, a tragic event because someone held a grudge, someone did not no how to FORGIVE! As we started our exit from Bankers Life a chill came over me, I felt like the Red Sea had parted with a wall of blue on either side of us which was there to allow all of us safe passage. Within moments of leaving Ezra (our police driver/escort) tried to warn us of the overwhelming feeling we would experience over the next few hours. I said, “I’ve seen others on TV, I’ll think I’ll be ok”. Ezra just smile and said, “Ok”. Well, that ranks right up there with one of the stupidest things I have ever said! Wall after wall of people lined the streets of downtown Indianapolis, some saluting, others with flags and signs thanking Rod. Once again people from all walks of life and all ages were there to pay their respects. As we continued along the parade path we saw offices and factories which allowed workers to leave their jobs and line the streets, Legionnaires, Reserves, fire departments, service men/women, billboards and much more. At times we were moving slowly enough that we could see the tears rolling down the cheeks of some of their face, others with tears in their eyes. A few times I looked into the eyes of some of those people and you could see their hurt and compassion, their eyes were connected to their heart and soul. You could see their lips moving, saying “thank you” or “we’re sorry”. You found yourself wondering if they had experienced the same or a similar loss. You knew they were hurting for the Bradways as well. The kindness of the human spirit was very apparent. Rod’s mom shared with me that one of her toughest times was going to be last roll call, for 348, 10-42 would be going home for the final time As we pulled up to Rods car my tears began to flow, a friend offered a tissue and I shared with the others why I had stared to cry. I knew the family members in the cars ahead of us were hurting and I could not do a thing about it. As roll started Ezra reached over and put his hand on mine until final call was completed. A heart wrenching moment for sure. A huge American flag hung from the entrance of the cemetery, 4 white horse and police officers sat across from the entrance to the Heroes of Public Safety area. Standing guard just inside the entrance stood an officer next to the magnificent black horse which brought Rod to his site. Off to the right another sea of blue as far as the eye could see. Once again, kind words spoken, bag pipes played and one by one approximately 1500 officers, some with their spouse and children filed past Rod for the last time leaving a white carnation with a drop on red on the casket, the American flag was given to the family and Rod was left at his final resting place. Friday morning Paul and I went back to the cemetery to pay our respects one more time. There were more officers continuing stopping by to pay their respects as well. As we left the Hero’s area we noticed already engraved into the cement, ROD LEE BRADWAY I.M.P.D. 09-20-2013 Once again, last Thursday I witnessed the kindness of our fellow man. Tom and Sheri (Rod’s parents) were suppose to harvest their grapes last week and in light of all that was going that did not happen. Harvest started at daybreak and approximately 35 friends arrived to lend a hand. The grapes were harvested in less than 3 hours. They still have around 250 vines to harvest next week or the following and I have a feeling a lot of those people will return to help. Yesterday the Colts honored Rod and his family, way to go Colts, you are a class act. A few negative comments were made. To those who think that was over the top, shame on you. If that would have been your husband, wife, son, daughter, father or mother I think you might have felt differently. Anger and grudges can make a person bitter, hard; it can suck the life right out of you and takes up way to much energy. FORGIVENESS can sometimes be difficult but can free your hearts to love and be more understanding. A good man is gone because someone could not see anyone else but himself, he could not FORGIVE. FORGIVENESS WILL LET YOU LIVE, NOT TAKE ANOTHER’S LIFE. Hug your family and friends; FORGIVE and show them, tell them how much you love them right now because….you never know what is on the other side of a door.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 13:39:13 +0000

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