A few days have passed since my initial My name is Michael Brown - TopicsExpress


A few days have passed since my initial My name is Michael Brown post. I am now enjoying some down time away from the stresses inherent in surgical suites and delivery rooms, hospitals per se. I am indeed in a different world now. I am once again at peace in my very own sanctuary, my office, where I am surrounded by the things that I love, my books and my music. And, yes, I am partaking of a glass of chilled muscato. Many happy memories here in this office, and some sad ones, too. It is also where I come, alone, to seek solace for the pain I feel when terrible injustices has been perpetuated against fellow human beings, not just here, locally, but nationally, and around the world. So it was with Michael Brown. Ive had an opportunity to review the responses to my original post and am gratified that most were supportive of my assessment. However, there were a few detractors to whom I feel a need to respond. I explicitly and specifically stated in my post that I personally dont give a shit about anything that happened BEFORE I (as Michael Brown ) turned to face the officer and raised my hands in surrender. That, my friends, is INTERNATIONALLY understood as, I surrender, I give up, you got me, Im yours, its all over, Im in your custody, dont shoot, etc.,etc. Ron, in referring to the officer, you asked if I, and others, had forgotten that he was supposed to be innocent until found guilty, or has that changed? No, it hasnt changed. AND it was also Michael Brown who was supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. And hes dead. Another posted questions. Was he trying to take the policemans gun?? If so, whose life was in danger? The answers to those questions would indeed carry a lot of weight in court, IF Michael Brown was alive, but since he was shot to death, the answers to those questions are now moot. The only question that will go before the court is whether the shooting of Michael Brown was justified or was it a homicide for which a penalty will be demanded. And Phillip, you infer that I dont know the full story and suggest that I should step back and take a breath before I go getting all pissed off. Well, I agree that I may not be cognizant of all the particular factors in the present case, but I can assure you thatI am quite knowledgeable about many other instances in which American citizens lost their lives at the hands of those sworn to protect them simply because they were at the wrong place at the wrong time, and they were black. Please take the time to look up these names of others who have been guilty of the same crimes and paid the same price: Oscar Grant, Amadou Diallo, Sean Bell Eric Garner, John Crawford, Kathryn Johnston. You dont have to look up the last one. Ill lay it out for you and if you find it hard to believe, fact check it. Atlanta, Georgia. 92 year old black lady living in home 17 years. Man arrested on drug charges with long rap sheet pressured to name names and he tells cops they would find a large stash of cocaine at that address. SWAT team initiates a no knock warrant, breaks down the door, and heads up the stairs. 92 year old Johnston, probably thinking she is confronting robbers, or worse, fires one shot with a rusty old revolver. She hits no one. The cops, however, fire 38 shots, striking Johnston several times. Two cops are wounded superficially by friendly fire. In other words, cops shot cops. Folks, you cant make this shit up.They handcuff the lady, dangerous criminal that she is. Two ambulances arrive and each superficially wounded protector of the law gets his own private ambulance ride to the hospital. Mrs. Johnston , she bleeds to death...It gets worse...The cops plant marijuana in the house and also pressure an informant to tell investigators that he had purchased cocaine from Johnston at her house. Instead he told investigators the truth and every dirty detail was laid bare and the rats went to prison where they belong. Kathryn Johnston, shes still dead, and had not the informant refused to accede to the cops request, the cops would, Im sure, have been showered with medals and decorations, and feted as protectors of the public they had sworn to serve. After all, think of all the lives these cops saved, lives that would have been sacrificed to addiction and crime had they not confronted the evil incarnate in Kathryn Johnston. As a footnote, I consider myself to be of at least average intelligence, a critical thinker, very well read, and in possession of a certain insight which comes to those who have travelled the globe, and in particular third world countries, and experienced the different cultures therein. This I have done, as has my son, Major Richard N Ojeda II. IF you cant travel, READ to better grasp and better understand the trials and tribulations of our brothers and sisters of color, past and PRESENT. May I suggest: The New Jim Crow Michelle Alexander Slavery by Another Name Douglas Blackmon The Souls of Black Folk W. E. B. Du Bois W. E. B. Du Bois David Levering Lewis The Gift of Black Folk W. E. B. Du Bois Walking with the Wind John Lewis Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Mandela A Testament of Hope Martin Luther King Jr The Autobiography of Malcolm X Malcolm X and Alex Haley Letter From a Birmingham Jail Martin Luther King Mario D. Mendez Jr. Enough for now, but Ill be back, cause Ive been known to ramble a bit. Be safe out there. Later...................OJ Sr
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 06:44:16 +0000

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