A flash back just popped into my head. There was a time when - TopicsExpress


A flash back just popped into my head. There was a time when I would do things that now I consider really stupid. There was a time when I was young enough not to know, or care what consequences my actions would lead to. Not talking about necessarily bad things- just stupid things. Like the time, a few hours before my old band Lock-Up had to meet at the Hollywood Wax Museum to have our photos taken for a local rock magazine, I came up with the brilliant idea to drop a hit of acid that someone had given me. Before the drug took effect, I managed to shower, shave, and put on my tailored card shark turquoise blue suit from the 60s I had pulled out of a pile of old suits in the city of Vernon a few weeks prior, where Id been scouting the rag yards for loot to bring back to my old job at the vintage clothing store Jet Rag. The suit still even had a Queen of Spades playing card shoved deep down into the front pocket which I kept there for luck. As the time wore on before I had to leave I amused my self by looking into the mirror where I discovered that within the blackness of my pupil I was able to see the whole universe. I drew pictures of circles with tentacles that seemed to float across the page of the notebook and out through the window facing the Echo Park lake. I still have those drawings. And then as my teeth began to chatter and grind, the panic set in. There was no way that I could drive myself across town. I got on the phone and called my label mate at that time Inger Lorre, who sang with a band called the Nymphs. Im frying on acid and I have to get to the Wax Museum. Can you give me a lift? Sure, Ill be right over. Inger saved my life that late afternoon. The Hollywood Wax Museum is not somewhere you want to be on acid- let alone Hollywood Blvd. All the lifelike figures, deathly still, smiles seeming more like death threats. And wouldnt you know that the photographer wanted the Dungeon of Horrors to be the setting for the photo . The hardest part was trying to act not terrified and fighting the urge to ask my bandmates, who had no idea that I was on another astral plane,did you just see that move? Months later when the magazine came out there we were; Tom, Chris, and Vince having what seemed like the time of their lives, big smiles on their faces. And there was Brian, off to the side, face flushed with terror, looking like I had just photo bombed their picture. By the time I boarded the bus heading towards downtown the drug was starting to wear off, but not enough to make me wish I had asked for a ride back home. Crowded bus on acid, not a good Idea. I wish I would have saved those photos.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 17:45:28 +0000

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