A friend, musician, yogi, Ram Dass Khalsa and his family are going - TopicsExpress


A friend, musician, yogi, Ram Dass Khalsa and his family are going through a very trying time preparing for the birth and expected passing of their unborn child with Trisomy 18. Please help in any way you can! Dearest Friends and Family, Many of you may know that my wife and I are expecting a beautiful baby in April. Unfortunately, we found out in November that this child has a genetic condition called Trisomy 18, also known as Edwards Syndrome. It is a condition similar in nature to Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) but carries with it effects far more life-threatening and debilitating than Downs. 50% of babies with T18 carried to term will be stillborn, 50% will not live past a couple weeks, and only 8 percent, generally girls, live to see their first birthday. So, it is with a heavy heart that I ask for your help and support. This pregnancy is a lot harder on my wife than a normal pregnancy would be— our babys body cannot process toxins or circulate blood like it is supposed to, so despite having two months to go, my wife is full-term size and has increased nausea and fatigue as the time goes on. We are facing increasing medical costs, therapy and counseling to help us through emotionally, increased cost of living, as well as funereal and memorial costs when that time should come. It is a reality that no parent wants to face for their child, but we are trying to do it with as much mindfulness and courage as possible and are trying to support our 10 year old daughter through the loss of her sibling as best as we can. I have worked tirelessly for the last five years to develop my audio production business and despite putting in as many hours as possible, I am struggling to meet our financial needs through this time. When my son arrives, I want to have the opportunity to be with him and my family for as long as he is here and not have to work to pay bills, keep us sheltered, or put food on the table. I would like to ask you humbly if you could please share our fundraiser with your friends, families, and social media networks so that we can have that sacred and special time with him. You are helping to give me one of the most incredible gifts a person could ever ask for. My family and I will be forever grateful for your support. We have named our son Siddartha— the one who has found the meaning of existence. Despite the deep grief that we are experiencing, we can see that he is bringing countless blessings for so many people and the opportunity for healing and growth of community and love. I know that his legacy will live on in me and is already a profound catalyst for my own personal development and creativity. If you would like more information on Trisomy 18, there is an informative wikipedia page about it as well as lots of info at trisomy18.org Our fundraiser is located at: https://giveforward/fundraiser/0hx3/siddhartha All notes, letters, prayers and other offers of support are fully appreciated, but please accept my apologies in advance if I cannot respond promptly. Thank you from the deepest places in my heart and soul for your love, support, and for sharing our story. In gratitude and love, Ram Dass
Posted on: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 17:33:32 +0000

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