A funny thing happened on the way to the Second Coming. Nobody - TopicsExpress


A funny thing happened on the way to the Second Coming. Nobody showed up. Seriously folks. I had it all planned out. There were going to be angels and music and everything. Signs in the Heavens,... the whole works. But nobody showed up. They always have a Bible study at 6:00 p.m. every Wednesday. Wednesday was the 8th Day of Hanukkah, and thats the big finish day. So I figured that would be just the perfect time because of all of the prophecies that were being fulfilled by me doing that. All of the ancient Hebrew prophecies say that the Kingdom of God will begin on Earth during a Hanukkah, or Feast of Lights holiday. All of the numbers showed that to be the perfect time. But nobody showed up because it was Christmas Eve. God was there, but nobody else showed up. What a pity. They have no idea about all of the wonderful prizes that they missed out on by not being there. Oh well. Its their loss. This is just the perfect song of the moment. It doesnt get any better than perfect. Yesterday was the best Christmas I ever had in my life. It couldnt have been any better. For the first time in my life, I am happy. Its the first time that I feel like myself. The county wants $3,820.75 property tax or they are going to sell my house at an auction. My boat, my Cadillac convertible, my GMC Caballero and a ladder truck and a bunch of other equipment are all sitting on the property. Guess what? They can have it. Take it. Take it and come and arrest me and throw me in prison and throw away the key. I dont care. This isnt about me anyway. There are a lot of other people who paid the price for my sins. When Jesus was here, he said that the last would be first and the first would be last. Doesnt anybody else know that this world is turning backwards? Why am I the only person who can see this? The world is turning backwards and you people dont know it. You are not aware of it because you have nothing to compare to. But thats whats happening and thats why none of you can see it. You just drive around in your stupid cars thinking you know everything when in reality the whole rest of the Universe is laughing like crazy at the stupid idiot that found the oil underground and know he thinks hes going to dig it all up and conquer outer space. Ive got news for you people. Outer space sees you and thinks you are really stupid. You aim your big giant dish antennas at the stars searching for radio signals from intelligent life forms. You are wasting your time and my money. I have to tell you why. Intelligent life forms dont emit radio waves. They dont have radios because they are all at the beach with their girlfriends and so they didnt have time to discover radio waves. That is the true fact of the situation. I got to be with three of the most deserving souls on Earth for Christmas,...Trixie, Koko, and Tweetybird. Their master does everything that she can to make sure that their realities are a perfect paradise. It just so happens that the purpose of life is to live in paradise. Since this woman does everything that she can to make sure that these three souls live in perfect paradise, God will make her reality a perfect paradise. Perfect paradise is when you are so happy, that nothing in the Universe can make you any happier. That is what life is all about. You make life paradise for somebody else. Somebody else makes life paradise for you. You cant make life paradise just for yourself alone. Thats impossible. Its not about me. After I visited my friends and went back home, I turned on the 12 Noon news, but it wasnt on. They gave the news people Christmas Day off. So I was surfing and I found this awesome Christmas play put on by the Seventh Day Adventists at Loma Linda University. It was a very well written play that had realistic characters and was Biblically accurate. I knew that this play was made for me to watch, so I watched it. I realized something very important. Im just the last one that comes along and takes everything that everybody else has put down before me. There are hundreds and thousands of other people who did their parts to make this all happen for me. I did not do this all by myself. This play really pointed that out to me. Its not that I forgot it, because I didnt, but watching performers act it out for me helps me out a lot with incorporating it into my beliefs and memories. Everybody needs to study these stories. These people are real people that lived real lives and made the decisions and actions that they made that made the world the way that it is today. This play showed a very realistic love story set in a real situation. The only difference between those people then and people now is we have electricity and modern conveniences. They didnt have that, but they all had the same wishes and desires as people now. They had all of the same kinds of people. They had all of the same kinds of social situations. They had the same exact kind of reality, it just lacked smart phones and Facebook. God had to make sure that you had all of the modern stuff before he got here to show you the errors of your ways. Atom bombs are one of those things I think we need to see. So God gave me the best Christmas present Ive ever had. God gave me the key to unlocking my Cosmic Calendar that he gave me last Earth Day. The key is a number theory thing. This will also prove that I am who I say I am. It turns out, that the timing of disasters and wars and stuff is directly linked to my Cosmic Calendar. It turns out that the key to unlocking it all is my birthday and my mothers birthday, and my future wifes birthday. I havent asked her yet, but she will remember me from the last world we were in together. Heres how it works. Ive been studying this calendar for 8 months now. Ive found a pattern in the numbers in my cosmic calendar and the timing in disasters that effect my life. On May 18th, 1980, there was a volcanic explosion that dropped about 8 inches of volcanic ash on Spokane. I couldnt stand the ash, so I left town as soon as the roads were opened. I went to Oregon for a while but ended up stopping at my brothers place in Auburn Washington. He was getting married, so I showed up for the wedding. While I was there, I found a job pinstriping cars for $1,500.00 a month. My brother and his friends didnt believe it, but I got the job and stayed in Renton and then Seattle. Thats where I met the woman that is my future wife. She was also alive before the Earth was created and she will remember it, just like I do, even though we have never discussed this and have not seen each other and have had no contact in over 33 years and 3 months. So if not for that volcano, we would not have met. On that day, 5-18-1980, my age was 8872, Pats age was 7811, and my mothers age was 17671. Notice the palindromic number. The reason that these numbers are significant is because the are palindromic, they dont change no matter which way you read them. Here is the interpretation of these numbers. The 88 in my age represents the day that Pat and I will be murdered. The 811 in Pats age represent us rising up to be with Jesus in a cloud. The 17671 in my mothers age means that something is going to happen on that day in conjunction with the 88 and the 811. These numbers represent the Mother and Father of the Son of God being murdered and then brought back to life. So here is what those numbers are for today, December 26th, 2014, or Boxing Day as our Canadian friends call it on the day after Christmas. My age is 21512. Pats age is 20451, and my mothers age 30311. Heres the interpretation. The palindromic number is in my age. The 311 is significant. The Japanese tsunami hit on March 11th. Something is going to happen today. Thats the point. I can look at my calendar now, and tell when something is going to happen before it happens. Today is Day 249 on the Microcosmic Calendar. And something major is going to happen today in this little world. Tomorrow has some really good numbers for the Sabbath Day. Its 113 weeks until the beginning of the 1260 days of the Two Witnesses prophecy on 2-25-17. Theres 311 backward. By using my birthday for the key, God has proved that I am who I say that I am. Its time for me to get ready for work. Today is going to be so much fun. So is every day from now on. https://youtube/watch?v=8_7qh00-UvQ
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 14:21:55 +0000

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