A letter to George Maragos, Nassau County Comptroller: . March - TopicsExpress


A letter to George Maragos, Nassau County Comptroller: . March 4, 2014 Dear George, ANY citizen of the United States of America may INVOKE the Constitution of the United States. . Judge Ellen R. Greenberg believes that a person must have some type of special standing to do that. . . I am calling on your good offices to notify Judge Greenberg that if she gets any more bright Constitution-shredding ideas, she will find herself off the bench and pounding the pavement. And the means by which you are called upon to inform this errant Judge of that fact is a Federal motion for relief on behalf of Arnesha Boykin. This judge has made it impossible for Arnesha Boykin to obtain and utilize Assistance of Counsel, as is her Sixth Amendment right. So you will do this for her. . The matter in which relief is requested is described HERE: and in the secondary link on this notice. . All the data on the pace of signatures on this petition has been carefully collated. Its not an accident that the rate of signatures on this has been slowed down. Accordingly, the FBI is being kept informed of the possibility of petition throttling, and there is a very short list of suspects. The trail may trace to Nassau County Family Court. The FBI is sworn to protect the Constitution, and it does so whenever it feels like doing so, whenever it is called upon to do so, and wherever it is uncorrupted. And I know for a fact that the FBI offices in New York State are not corrupt at all. . Judge Greenberg has three choices: She can cover her tracks better ( she isnt doing a very good job of that at this point), or she can resign and strike a plea bargain with the FBI in terms of this investigation and other ongoing investigations; OR she can quash the entire matter now, after review, and admit that she has made a mistake. The third course of action is the most honest and the most advisable. . The county is undoubtedly going to be sued, unless you get on the right side of the law and RESTORE ARNESHA BOYKINS CIVIL RIGHTS immediately; and make an agreement to settle out of court with her while it is in your opportune power to do so. The order by Judge Greenberg/ Family Court, on January 22, 2014 to arrest Arnesha Boykin is a violation of the following parts of the US Constitution: 1) The DUE PROCESS clauses 2) The Reupblican Form clause of Article Four, Section Four. 3) Article Six, Constitutional Supremacy clause 4) The First Amendment 5) The Fourth Amendment 6) The Fifth Amendment 7) The Sixth Amendment 8) The Eighth Amendment, Cruel and Unusual Punishment prohibition 9) The Thirteenth Amendment ( I have the paperwork and the documents to prove this. Would you like to see them? Mail your request to Scott Davis c/o Sally Li PO Box 877 Edgmont, PA 19028-0877) 10) The Fourteenth Amendment, Equal Protection Clause. It is a violation of law for any Government agency to use even a penny of taxpayers money to interfere with the First Amendment right to petition the Government for redress of grievances; and to peaceably assemble for such a purpose or for any other purpose. Any official sworn to uphold the US Constitution must respect the First Amendment, of course. For more information on the situation: . . Another petition about this condition: . . I am doing Nassau County a FAVOR by informing you in a timely manner to limit the damages in this situation. It is beyond doubt that the damages suffered by Arnesha Boykin, and by her daughters %&*#% and %&8#!# are quite substantial. By coming to terms with the Constitution NOW, acting to release her, and filing a motion in Federal court to end the matter which was scheduled for January 10, 2014 and then continued (rescheduled) to January 22, 2014, subsequently resulting in a ILLEGAL BENCH WARRANT, Nassau County taxpayers will save a bundle. . For this judge to proceed down the obstructive path she is on is Nixonian. Shes not doing you or the taxpayers of Nassau County any big favors by proceeding along the path of this vendetta. Judge Greenbergs behavior amounts to what is legally defined as Constitutional treason. There is no compelling reason for her to have even heard this case; the venue was improper, there is no clear and present danger being ameliorated by this court (the Court is CAUSING all clear and present danger by its family-smashing behavior) and there is no HONEST probable cause upon which this court bases its actions against Arnesha Boykin and her children.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:34:47 +0000

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