A long but fantastic day! Great checkup for Wayne! He is tired - TopicsExpress


A long but fantastic day! Great checkup for Wayne! He is tired from the ride, but happy his visit went well. We get to do it all again Friday when we visit the pulmonologist! Tomorrow I have an appointment with the labor department and pray the weather holds off with the messy stuff. I cant afford to miss a third week of benefits. I also need to make myself an orthopedic appointment real soon. I am having pain in my collar bone again. Ugh! I dont have time for this. On another bright note: the drug assist program for Waynes pulmonary hypertension medicine has come through for us again this year with help covering our deductible. Otherwise, out of pocket would cost $1970.00 for our portion of one drug just for this month! We truly understand why there are some people who have to make decisions between medicine, food or housing. It fears me to think there are programs available and not everyone knows about them or takes advantage of them. And our insurance, Aetna, will absolutely not take those drug assist cards that are suppose to help with the cost. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for our prayer warriors and angels among us! Again Youve come through with another answered prayer! Thank You for getting the medicine Wayne needs to continue his journey. Trusting You is our pathway to heaven. When we walk on this path, we live above our circumstances. Your glorious light shines brightly upon us. Thank you for our family and friends. Lord, we pray that You continue to guide us Your way. Help us, Oh Lord, to help others. There have been so many that have repeatedly prayed and shown their love for us. Amen! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. —Proverbs 3:5–6
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 02:52:54 +0000

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