A lot of people just assume reality is atheistic in its - TopicsExpress


A lot of people just assume reality is atheistic in its metaphysics with no other reason than an assumption; well then I am free to just assume reality is Theistic in its metaphysics based on their own rational criteria. If we start from a neutral agnosticism (a 50/50 chance of either atheism or Theism being a correct understanding of realities metaphysics), what powerful deductive arguments are there for atheism to lean us rationally more that way (as it being more likely true)? As far as my studies show there are only a few classical arguments for atheism, all of them weak; yet there are plenty of powerful arguments for Theism. It honestly does not look good for atheism... Recently the New Atheists have been very aggressive in launching an attack on Theism and Theists (Richard Dawkins encourages atheists to mock Theists). But on what grounds is the attack being launched? It is being launched on the grounds of an intolerance of irrational people, with the pinnacle argument being based on an epistemic claim that faith is irrational. Yet all the New Atheists have is a faith, faith that reality is atheistic in its metaphysics (but with no good arguments to support their claim). So the very criteria and basis of their assault, they are actually guilty of committing themselves (unless they are claiming they know with certainty that reality is atheistic in its metaphysics, which would require two positions to uphold: A description from them as to what epistemic criteria they believe should constitute certainty and the burden of proof to show how atheism fulfills that with the arguments and evidence for it). P.S. The two positions of Theism and atheism (atheism being the absence of Theism; that is what the A means, just like Asymmetrical means the absence of symmetry on a specific aspect of reality) from an ontological stand point basically look like these two categories below: (1) The belief that the fundamental forces and processes of reality are Intention-less, Meaning-less, Purpose-less, Unguided, Unaware and lack teleology. This is atheism (as obviously the opposite to the list would be Theism), atheism is basically just the removal of our anthropomorphic perceptions from the fundamental processes and forces of reality, thus denying any personification of the fundamental nature of reality. (2) The belief that the fundamental forces and processes of reality are Intentional, Meaningful, Purposeful, Guided, Aware and are teleological. This is Theism (basically the belief of Mind as the fundamental nature of reality), Theism is basically the interpretation of our anthropomorphic perceptions into the fundamental core of reality. From a philosophical perceptive Theism is then understood by analyzing Theism for sufficient causation and an explanation of reality in light of this causation (one of the core etiological principles being an effect can never be greater than its cause).
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 17:22:54 +0000

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