A minute with our Master devotion for 8/9/13 What do we see? In - TopicsExpress


A minute with our Master devotion for 8/9/13 What do we see? In life we do not always see what we think we see. One of the things I used to love growing up were those optical illusions that there was a picture of something but when you adjusted you vision it turned into something else. To see what at times was difficult and appeared to be nearly impossible to se simply required focus, energy, slowing down and a desire to see what was really there. Life is not all that different… 36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:36-38 New International Version We get a look into what Jesus saw when He looked at the world in His time. He sees the harassed and helpless, lost people without a shepherd, a caregiver or a protector. Do we see the world in this light or just the people that benefit us, annoy us and or just the people like us that we like? Jesus goes on to tell His followers of that day and today that there are many people like that then and now that need the Lord. The harvest is still plentiful but the real question is how many workers are there? God needs people to look past there annoyances, their dislikes and pet peeves and see His children that are dying without the salvation that is available to everyone. Do we need to focus more, slow down, get off of our agendas and see the helpless and harassed as our Savior did? Do we desire that? Many are familiar with verse 37 but I like the thought of verse 38. “Ask the Lord of the harvest.” We need to consult the Lord where we are to do His work and who we need to love on without reservation or exception. I love the thought Joyce Meyer asked, “How much time do we waste on people that do not want to be saved?” Allow God to lead you to who needs to hear the message of Jesus Christ. If you have not heard the message, ask God to send you to where you can hear it. Allow God to have you eyes and see how and what He does… Ben
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:53:30 +0000

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