A must read for everyone...Strongholds Habit patterns of - TopicsExpress


A must read for everyone...Strongholds Habit patterns of thinking/strongholds, can be hidden so deep within the subconscious that you are literally not aware of them,until your emotions are jerked ! The lie you are living,becomes truth... Strongholds are characterized by habit patterns of thought that exist in the area of our soul,mind,will, emotions,and personality. They are hidden so deeply within the soul that they have the ability to influence the negative thought patterns of our life. Stronghold are habitual lies that many have embraced at the core of our inner being.They are built by a foundation of lies and half truths. Strongholds have become a fortress of thought that influences the way we respond to the truth about Gods character within us. Strongholds are spiritual fortresses of thought where demonic influences may hide,and be protected.Any area of darkness within our thoughts is an open door to demonic activity. Strongholds exalt themselves above the knowledge of God and give negative forces to secure a place to influence the mind,will,and emotions(2 Cor.10:4). Strongholds are wrong motivations and attitudes that protect and defend a persons walk in the flesh. Strongholds can lie so deeply within the soul that most dont recognize them as sin,but instead take on the attitude,I was raised this way,its the way my family believes, my parents celebrated holidays... Strongholds have a sick core,much like an infection beneath the skin that needs to be lanced and drained and the infected area healed,if the stronghold is not dealt with,twisted thoughts are spread throughout the soul. There is a purpose behind Mental Strongholds it is to keep us from eternal life and even our God given purpose and destiny upon the earth doing Gods will,His way! Mental Strongholds do this... They hinder you from walking in truth... They distort your priorities in life... They restrict your knowledge of God....this is the main Stronghold in many spirit filled Saints and Leaders keeping you from walking in truth with distorted priorities ! They give tunnel vision so you cant see wrong from right... These are just a few... Colossians 2:8 is a scripture few live by... The Bible says the road to life is narrow and few are on it,but the road to hell is wide and many are found there believing that are on the narrow road. Examine your walk with God and ask yourself am I like the many or the few ?
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:20:49 +0000

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