A nation in decline? Think again. I love this first article, - TopicsExpress


A nation in decline? Think again. I love this first article, and I love it as much for what it says, as for what it does not say. Do you believe that America is a great power on the verge of “slippage”? Or do you believe, as I do, that America WAS a great power that is openly in decline. I believe that we are in the immediate post American phase of our nation. And don’t get me wrong; there will still be a spot on the world map, geographically, with the words “United States of America” stenciled across it, but that geographical area will be a vastly different “country” than the one in which you and I grew up. Check out this article. ft/cms/s/0/5d97f272-3d6f-11e3-b754-00144feab7de.html Now, if you think that anything in the above article is a new development you are an idiot, and I am pretty certain I know how you vote. It is time that we face the truth about our nation under the progressives; the United States is now just a place where we live. Do you think we are feared or respected by anyone anymore? Of course not, and why would we be when we pick people like John Kerry, Edmund Muskie, Warren Christopher, and Madeline Albright to represent us on the national stage? Aren’t we just inviting condescension? Couple that with a President who was specifically elected by a population of ignorant fools, SPECIFICALLY to turn us away from the republic of our founders, and it is no reach to reason that we are not in danger of slippage, we have slipped. Now, add this to the equation. cnsnews/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/census-bureau-means-tested-govt-benefit-recipients-outnumber-full You might not grasp the significance of the above article. “Means testing” is a government contrivance whereby the government awards you benefits based on your other income, or your “means”. This is an astonishing number, indicating that over half of the nation rides on the backs of less than half of the nation. By any historical measure, even the simpleton’s among us must realize that this sort of standard is un-sustainable. Don’t believe me? Ask the Romans. Oh shit, don’t do that Joe Biden moment, because there are no Romans left. Guess why? Societal decay, national decline is a series of mini-steps, some designed specifically for failure, others designed by fools with unachievable ends based on an ignorance of history and failure to grasp realities, most conceived by those with a lack of understanding of causality. If you stand back and look at the entirety of what our government has done to our nation over the last 100 years, it is no wonder we are in the position among nations that we are today. And again, and I know I beat this drum, but the election and the more unfortunate re-election from Obama was engineered by people that WANT to see this nation in decline and WANT to see us no better than anyone else. Those people, including the vast numbers of the ignorant that voted for Obama (and for Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Durbin……) were victims of a SERIOUS bait and switch. Obama appealed to the minions who felt entitled and omitted the fact that he would have to destroy the nation in order to satiate their entitled mentality, and our public education system has ensured that we, as a population were too stupid to know it. In our specific case, the mini-steps have been the nationalization and dumbing down of our public education system, the failure to secure our borders or enforce our laws, the corruption of our federal judicial system through liberalization, and a crushing national debt. Why wouldn’t we be in decline? It is predictable. We aren’t in slippage…..we have slipped.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 12:16:24 +0000

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