A nature survival tip: Only drink the water that is flowing in the - TopicsExpress


A nature survival tip: Only drink the water that is flowing in the stream - do not drink slow or stagnant water. Why? Because where water is stagnant, bacteria is more likely to thrive. And so, in our lives, when we get stuck, negativity tends to grow. The story about the situation gathers details as evidence to support our problem. Rather than letting yourself sit still in the situation, keep moving. Take a breath, stand up and take action. Just. Keep. Going. Trust that the Spirit of life itself will move through you if you give it the space to do so. Take action. Make a decision and follow through. It doesnt matter what decision you make! Just make one and align your energy with it. The Universe will arrange the rest. If you sit still in the indecision and confusion, you dont give the room for this Intelligence to manifest through you. You actually make space for your ego to sabotage and reinforce your fear. If you make a choice and act accordingly, you give room for the Universe to give you feedback and then you have something new to respond to. Just. Keep. Moving. Just. Keep. Trusting. As Dory taught: Just Keep Swimming. Theres too much to do to wallow in our doubts. Dont let that ego slow you down. Keep up and youll be kept up! Shine bright. Love big. Youre never to busy to find your flow. Loving you from here, Ryan Our Morning Practice 1. What are 5 things you can be grateful for this morning? 2. Ask your inner guidance system these questions from A Course In Miracles: - Where would You have me go? - What would You have me do? - What would You have me say? - And to whom? The answers will show up as the day unfolds...if, and only if we ask the questions. THOUGHT OF THE WEEK: What I place on the altar is then altered.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:48:53 +0000

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