A note from a friend at ASIO Facebook is probably the most - TopicsExpress


A note from a friend at ASIO Facebook is probably the most dangerous “socially” accepted medium in the world. Not only will it find a photo of your face online with every bit of data connected to your photo (with FB’s new facial recognition software) but it will do a “reverse mining” scan of the internet on your name, confirm that your name and photo are “exact” (analysing your FB account’s photos) and archive that information in their servers. This means that FB can collect information about you and your family/friends/coworkers, neighbours, schoolmates, etc, (all those photos at family birthdays and school parties, etc), based solely on connecting facial recognition technology with knowing what name to put with what face. FB then runs those photos of your “connections” against their own database of photos to see which of those faces in your photos have a FB account, even if you didn’t ID them. So all that fake “Tagging” people’s faces is just for the convenience of your viewers on your FB account. Then you can ponder, if you know history and the evil that exists in the world, the power Facebook controls over a half billion people (that’s correct, a half billion 500,000,000). You should consider measuring how it ties in every bit of your personality, your friends and family, and stores that information, and continues to mine (scan/search) that info based on your photo appearing anywhere on the internet, and then builds a permanent profile about you. I’m not referring to “contact information” Im meaning revealing everything about you, connecting the dots, categorising you instantly in a variety of areas (are you socialist or liberal) and innocuous information that you would never believe would come back to haunt you, or information you don’t want people to know. It’s all attached to a database record of you on Facebook’s servers, and it will be more complete than any nefarious force (hacker, dictator, corporate power, whoever) could ever dream of. Those who think Facebook’s all about “marketing” think again. Stop and think how many major corporations can screw up your life because you’ve become dependent on what they offer… for example: mobile phone companies, utility companies, banks, investment firms, political parties, transportation sources like airlines, trains and buses. If you think your life is automated safely and comfortably, with the government and multi-national corporations putting your happiness and safety first and showing you how to depend on them for their services, then jump on the FaceBook juggernaut. Write on Facebook everything you’re doing, post your pics. No worries! Some believers in Facebook will moronically say this “it’s just family photos and I have privacy settings checked.” Really? Then continue. Show them everything. Want to keep something private about an innocent family member, like a young niece or child in your family circle? Don’t worry, put up a birthday party picture with their face in the shot, and guaranteed Facebook will have as much information on your little niece within a few months as there is available. Don’t forget, she’ll be starting her own “personal site” soon, so it’s just a simple “connect the dots” with Facebook pinpointing her face that is now recognised in a family photo you posted (without identifying her) a year or two earlier. That’s how Facebook is insidious. It’s just connecting the dots, and they aren’t dots YOU have laid down. They’re dots placed by your Facebook group… and the applications they sucker you into playing, like the cunning “question party” game that tricks your connection into mentioning you in a series of questions, even using terms to “compliment” you into answering. Yep, my daughters Facebook account has almost ten comments from high school mates saying she was the “prettiest girl”. Then they post that on my daughters FB wall, and try to lure her to answer or even see what was written about her. So, does curiosity kill the cat? Or does curiosity on Facebook just pan out to be “innocent fun for all?” On Facebook, you will soon discover, if you haven’t already, that some information and photos are not what you wanted in the internet universe. We all know by now that once there is data on the internet, it never goes away (someone will upload it to their own server prior to the removal of the server where it was originally placed). What you put on Facebook will sneak out one way or another, because you can’t watch everything that the hundreds of friends and associates and family members are writing about you. If they write about you, then they reveal ALL those connected with you. If you don’t understand this, do your own investigation. Spend a few hours on it, unless, of course, you’re an optimist and believe that companies that have the power to easily and “innocently” gather this much information about you will never do anything to hurt you and your loved ones. Those days are over, right? That’s not the scary part, because people don’t realise that they build your profile based on what your FB connections are. It’s hard for many people to understand that when one company owns your privacy, your world, your likes and dislikes, this is tantamount to mind-boggling malicious purposes. Sure this reads paranoid. Why? Because Nazi death camps existed less than 70 years ago. What made those camps so efficient? They kept detailed records on people. Jump ahead to the KGB. Look at any oppressive regime. Having information on their citizens, whether true or not, allowed absolute power to kill, torture, imprison, anyone that they felt didn’t “agree” or potentially could be considered a “rebel personality” or “Free Thinker”. The casual nature of millions of internet users and their belief that FB is only “fun” way to connect with others is more frightening than the actual potential for misuse of the juggernaut of information that one company controls over their users. Go ahead, tell FB who all your friends and family are. Send “private messages” to your friends and family through FB, talk about personal things. Store everything about you on their servers. If you think a “fan/page” comment will prevent your so-called “FB private” information from being collected, you’re wrong. Not only those who ANSWER your fan page have their info collected and connected to you, but your information is also being logged on how successful your fan page is. How does that hurt? I don’t know… ask yourself “what’s the worst that can happen?” When you want to leave a comment on a blog or a news article, and they require you to connect via your FB, you’ve just spread all your personal information across the internet to some other company. When I went to leave a comment some time ago on a TIME magazine online article, and saw my profile photo, WITH MY BIRTH NAME (which wasn’t my user name for my FB), and then I was requested to “use your/my FB acct to login for comment?”, that’s when I started researching FB source coding. They already had my profile photo, my name, and I hadn’t posted a THING on the site yet. My IP address and my TIME user name were already in their database. FB is selling this info behind your backs, and you don’t know it. To prove this final “paranoiac” rant, watch a few commercials on TV and notice how large companies have stopped using their domain names for online contact. They’re promoting their Facebook fan page accounts. Why? Because as soon as you log in to their fan page account, FB, and the company, gets all your info, depending on the “business account” they have with FB. There is so much more to this FB danger but I think everyone who uses FB should look it up themselves, so not to brush off what I’m stating here. Find out for yourself, if you care about your family and friends, and what that famous quote means: “POWER CORRUPTS, AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY.” Important note; The time you have spent reading this article has been registered into the Facebook server along with your ISP Static I.P address and Device User Agent as an interest in the wording of this article. Certain words in the article have now been associated with your own profile and personal interests.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 10:11:01 +0000

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