A poem written by me at the death of the Christian couple in Kot - TopicsExpress


A poem written by me at the death of the Christian couple in Kot Radha Kishan From burning bodies to burning candles…. Fe’reeha Idrees Crowds can be fearsome Clustered in groups of madness Hate driven, blood drenched A thirst that will never be quenched Rampaging the shreds of humanity Like glass piercing through drapes of satin Life lost in patchy paterns I hold a candle and retreat.. As the flame burnt my hand… I placed it where the couple had died As if almost under their feet Besides quivering petals of flowers Lily, Daffodil, Rose How many were those? The ones who kill people in the name of god? From where had they come? To burn and beat So much cold could emerge from heat? From the flames, stared a face Brown eyes full of questions, why me? I am gone, I am blown And you, you come now, why now? I turned my gaze down Forgive us God, I prayed…. This is exactly where she had layed As they burnt her to death Could we ever grasp that hate? The flickering candle Now mocking me I was a bit too late… Fear is a strange feeling In deep sea waves It embeds like emeralds Along the ocean belt Green, hard…like a rock But in fire…does fear melt? Humanity never grows older Fear is cold but anger colder A deadly weapon defied And that colder anger burnt that day… For hours even after they died… Down I kneeled…as I wondered What was the last name she called? Two marks where they both were sprawled… Bones were all that was left… Anger now leaving us all bereft Is our anger colder than theirs? Yet it burns nothing… Emanates no fear, challenges no hate.. Oh , we are all, but too late! In the graveyard, in the midst of decaying sand Stood two mounds A man’s and a woman’s But which one was who? No one will ever know! Bones you see…don’t discriminate on gender Fire has no mercy It burns on men and women alike Like it did that fateful day Till death did them apart… But was it death really? Garbed in the forms of those monsters they call men? Drenched in the stench of an ugly hound They strew them like rose petals on the ground And set them on fire… So the world did end in whimper… Did anyone pause? Did anyone quiver? There were 1500 of them! Fighting with those two…. Maybe he had raised his hand once As he looked at her with a shiver Out of the flames to flee… Or perhaps to touch her cheeks one last time His wife…the mother to be Her hands writhing, face burning That soft touch Which brought him solace in life From the flames, her eyes shone Still grappling to have one last look at him Was he okay? And they all chanted in the name of god A god, which only they could decipher… These misguided travelers Worshipped someone else… Not the God that I know Millions of years ago They had sacrificial gods who judged men Like these men judge their gods today Burning them in cauldrons of misinterpretations Far away from the burning inferno The little one squirmed in her aunt’s lap Do babies have sixth sense? For a curse escaped her lips, Fie! Could she hear her parents cry? Could she feel her sibling diluting in her mother’s womb? Questions strike at humanity’s tomb I stand still There is no wind tonight So my candle burns Yet its light was not enough to kill the darkness around me… Garbed in the sophistication Civilized world uses to conquer hate Candles will burn and melt I am just far too late….
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 18:26:23 +0000

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