(A portion of Rush Limbaugh radio today) There is nothing the - TopicsExpress


(A portion of Rush Limbaugh radio today) There is nothing the world has ever devised that has elevated more people out of poverty than capitalism. Look at the United States. How can you deny, how can anybody objectively analyzing and looking, deny the United States became a superpower. In less than 250 years, the United States became a military, economic superpower devoted to the concepts of freedom here and everywhere else around the world. We were the defenders of freedom. Our own and others. In less than 250 years, a nation of, for the most part fewer than 300 million people, produced an economy that created the highest standard of living the world has ever known. We fed the world, produced so much food, more than we ever needed ourselves. We were able to feed the world, and after doing all of that, we were able to provide disaster relief for anywhere else in the world that it occurred, where it was accepted. Theres been nothing like the United States, ever, in world history. Nothing. And certainly not for this length of time, nothing even compares. It goes back to what Ive always talked about in regards to American exceptionalism. What made this possible was our founding documents enshrining the notion that we are all endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, meaning nobody can take em away, and that is the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Those rights come from our creator, God. They are part of our natural existence. We are born that way. We are not granted these rights by a government or by a king or by a president. The only thing that can happen to those rights is when people try to take them away or usurp them, which is what has been happening in this country since the day it was founded because there are always people who oppose free societies. A free society cant be controlled. A free society cant be dominated. Its very, very hard to pilfer and steal from a free society. The United States and an honest, objective look at its history, is all the proof you need to see the absolute benefits of capitalism. Thats what we were. Thats how we were founded. Theres nowhere in the world approaching the standard of living that weve had. Now, its true that leftists (identified as Democrats in this country) disagree. They think that standard of living is unjust and immoral, because not everybody has experienced it. But our country is such that the opportunity is there for everybody. No two people are the same. No two sets of opportunities are the same. Some people do have advantages over others. Like the Kennedys, for example, and other wealthy families. But they had to become wealthy in the first place. Somewhere in every familys history is somebody who earned it. So granted you can be born into a specific family and have your wheels greased more than others, but it doesnt impugn the system. It doesnt impugn capitalism. Because there isnt anything that approaches it. Theres nothing that gets even close to it. Socialism does not eliminate poverty, does not lift people out of poverty. Socialism does not create free people and societies, and it does not preside over massive charitable giving and compassion. Socialism, Marxism constrain people, limits people, prevents people from realizing their potential as human beings. The United States of America and its genuine exceptionalism has allowed people to reach the pinnacle of their ability combined with their ambition and desire. Its pretty much the one spot in the world, although there are a couple other societies that are free that have had had similar characteristics and opportunities, but not formally enshrined as have ours been. This is a country where your dream can come true. You can make your dream come true. Its not gonna be easy. It doesnt happen overnight. But it can come true. Most of the people in the world, their dreams are nothing but that. They start as dreams, and they end as dreams, and thats why people around the world have sought to come here.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 21:13:29 +0000

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