A sad state of affairs when a woman not covering her head and hair - TopicsExpress


A sad state of affairs when a woman not covering her head and hair causes outrage. Saudi Arabia, the world has moved on. Women dont have their place and do not belong in such. Our mothers, daughters and sisters are living breathing individual human beings who should be free to express themselves, for better or worse, in whatever way they see fit as long as no harm is brought to others. In most of the rest of the world, women work along side of men and do just as good a job as their male counterparts. In our armies, women fight alongside men. In our offices, I cant speak for all of them of course but in my experience a boss who happens to be female is just as capable of doing a good job, and screwing up royally as a man is capable of. Women create art just as beautiful and meaningful, or tacky and bland as any man can create. This backwards attitude that women shouldnt drive, vote or do anything except know her place not only harmful, wrong and ignorant, but they also hurt society as whole. A society of equals generally does better than a society where one group has all of the rights and privileges while the other is oppressed. We here in the 21st century formally would like to Invite Saudi Arabia to come and join us in the modern world. You will be amazed by the heights your mothers, sisters and daughter can achieve when they are free to fly. https://youtube/watch?v=7_u7EnAu3co
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 23:36:19 +0000

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