A short Interview... a new Author Jason Daniel Kowalczyk - TopicsExpress


A short Interview... a new Author Jason Daniel Kowalczyk Interviewed by Liliana West 1. How did you begin writing, decide to be an author? I have always loved to tell stories. Before I could write, I would tell stories with drawings and make people sit through a tale that involved tons of drawings. Usually, the stories would be in the horror genre. In second grade, classmates would be reading their short stories that were a paragraph or two where mine would be pages long. Writing is just the perfect fit for who I am. Of all the things I have wanted to be, author has always been on the list. 2. What inspires you to write? Everything gets filed away to be used at some point. It would be the way I see a stranger move as he or she walks, or how they raise their coffee to their lips. Anything could be used at some point. 3. How do you begin the process to write a book, do you start with an idea, a plot, characters? If I now I am going to be working on one of the volumes to a series, I start off with the characters I want to use, otherwise it is an idea, which usually ends up with the characters of my vampire series. Who couldn’t love a character like Cacious, who refuses to drink blood and is weapon of choice is a sling-shot. I love the quarks of my characters. I never outline, I just sit down and start writing with a general idea, and through the process of writing, as well idea slinging with my wife who also writes. 4. Do you have a specific writing style? I am sure that there are some that might say that there is a specific style that is all my own, but I don’t set out to write any certain way. I want to tell the story I want to tell as vividly as I can. 5. Your thoughts on the Horror Genre? I love the way a good scary story can make you almost need to sleep with the lights on. I remember reading Stephen King’s short The Mangler, I was twelve, and it terrified me. 6. What it takes to write in this genre. You really should know what you fear. I am insanely afraid of spiders, that fear inspires me to try and throw gas on that fire inside of the reader. It isn’t like you have to understand the particular fear, if you write it well enough you can make a fear of cotton candy believable. 7. Any advice/tips you can provide for someone who wants to write in this genre. Don’t fear criticism. If someone has something to say about your writing, ask questions. Interview them and remember that if your book were to take of, there could be hundreds of others that could feel the same. Most of all, don’t ever give up. I have written over a dozen books before I found a great publishing company in Dip Publishing. Eventually I plan to rework everything and re-release through them. 8. Where can we find news on upcoming releases and such? My website jasondanielkowalczyk.weebly/ My Facebook fanpage https://facebook/pages/The-Writings-of-Jason-Daniel-Kowalczyk
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 16:45:00 +0000

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