A spokesman for Egyptian interim President Adly Mansour said on - TopicsExpress


A spokesman for Egyptian interim President Adly Mansour said on Saturday Mohamed Elbaradei may be the country’s next prime minister. Elbaradei’s appointment is less than certain, however, because the “ultraconservative” Salafi al-Nour party opposes it. The Egyptian military responsible for deposing Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood last week favor his appointment. “ElBaradei is our first choice,” a military source said. “He’s an international figure, popular with young people and believes in a democracy that would include all political forces. He is also popular among some Islamist groups.” Elbaradei is the former director general of the UNited Nations’ International Atomic Energy Agency. He currently serves as the Egyptian vice president under Mansour. He is also a dedicated globalist in cahoots with George Soros, who is usually described as a liberal billionaire philanthropist by the establishment media. Prior to his direct involvement in Egyptian politics during the fall of long time globalist client Hosni Mubarak, Elbaradei sat on the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group (ICG). The organization is rife with a number of key globalist players, including former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Wesley Clark, former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, and a sprinkling of neocons, including Kenneth Adelman and the CFR connected Richard Armitage, George Bush’s former Deputy Secretary of State. It should be noted, writes Tony Cartalucci, “that ICG members such as Richard Armitage and Kenneth Adelman are also signatories of the extreme right-winged Project for a New American Century, the literal architects of the extremely fake ‘War on Terror,‘ and now some of the most vocal fear mongers regarding the unrest they themselves have not only planned by have funded and organized as well via the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and Freedom House.” Cartalucci notes that Soros’ ICG funded organizations submitted drafts for Egypt’s new constitution and added “insult to injury to the evisceration of Egypt’s national sovereignty.” “To connect the dots, the Western press has, since the protests in Egypt began, pushed Mohamed El Baradei as the uniting figure,” Salem Muhammod wrote in February, 2011, as the globalist contrived “Arab Spring” unfolded in Egypt, “One more dot should connect who this man really is working for: The International Crisis Group. This organization is heavily funded by George Soros, a man experienced in funding revolutions and placing leaders he wants and believes will push for globalization in that country.” Aaron Klein, writing for WorldNetDaily, documents Soros’ connection to other Arab Spring opposition groups in the Middle East. “His Open Society Institute’s Middle East and North Africa Initiative has provided numerous grants to a wide range of projects that promote so-called democratic issues across the region, including in Egypt,” writes Klein. “Soros himself in February 2011 made public statements in support of the anti-Mubarak protests in Egypt in which he cited ElBaradei.” Now that the Muslim Brotherhood has failed to deliver, it will up to Elbaradei to bring about the sort of outcome in Egypt envisioned by the globalists. The military will assist this transition as rival groups of secularists and Islamists wage war in the streets of Cairo. “Now ElBaradei could possibly land deep inside Egypt’s power structure, in the nation’s capital where he was born 71 years ago,” CNN reported on Saturday. “I hope I’ll be the éminence grise,” ElBaradei said last week. “I’m getting on with the years… and I think I’ll be much more effective.” In short, he will be more effective for the financial elite as they take down governments and societies with an IMF wrecking ball.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 23:16:15 +0000

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