A sting? (begun Saturday 12th July at 10.20am) Zuma wants the - TopicsExpress


A sting? (begun Saturday 12th July at 10.20am) Zuma wants the entire country wi-fid by 2020? At whose behest? Has George Soros and his quantum empowerment fund promised our Jacob a couple of billion if this goal is achieved? What Id like right now is for Warrant Officer Maluleke of the Pretoria Organised Crime Unit (Hawks) to give me a call the next time hes down our way. As pleasant as Captain Patsa had turned out, she didnt have a clue about the quantum neighbour spying on neighbour Project, whereas her colleague most certainly did. Id like to go down to a pozzie on the beachfront near the water, and leave our cellphones in the car, as we chat openly above the roar of the waves. Id like for that amiable fellow to tell me every last detail hes been fed about this massive experiment, and for me to fill him in on the omissions... For starters, why had his then-partner been excluded from knowledge of the Project? Why have only select officers been chosen to be informed, just as has happened up at Sydenham SAPS? Why had the good Captain Peters appeared to come up a total blank on that topic, and have you rectified that oversight since then, Lazzie? Unless of course more than a few of the genuinely good and dedicated officers up there are being deliberately kept from knowledge of the quantum Project, and what its doing to the Community? Would Maluleke have access as to why the Ruling Party and the Opposition are tucked up in bed together when it comes to the New World Order and their ambitions for South Africa, for it turns out that our president is fully on board. Does the W/O know everything? How theyre going about wiring up the settlements in each and every province, to plant their trained quantum recruits among the shack dwellers, in order to create a sophisticated surveillance and control system? How the same is being done to each and every suburb and city across the country, be the citizens wealthy, or struggling to make ends meet? Is the young Officer aware of the sheer extent of this privacy invasion? That every whisper he makes in his own home, and every note he silently scribbles, is accessible in turn to an invisible quantum recruit hanging on the walls and ceilings of his house? That every text and call he makes, no matter which phone he employs, will be recorded for posterity and used against him, should the need arise? That (for the umpteenth time) there are indeed advanced visual/audio recording devices tucked inside the streetlight cowlings, which may be activated by a nearby Area Controller to assist with surveillance and organised crime? Does the likeable Maluleke know all of this and more? Is he affected in any way by the inevitable powercuts and blackouts carried out in Pretoria? Has he lost any appliances due to spikes and surges, or did he have his DB box upgraded under advisement, early on, so that it could withstand the worst of the mischief created over the powerlines? What a pleasure it would be to share our experiences and knowledge (such as mine is) of this magical technology, although I dont see it happening anytime soon. Wed pulled into Grovida on Sydney Road on Thursday morning, to replenish my stocks of wild bird seed. Thered been a circle of about seven or eight men standing by the counter, talking animatedly to each other, when Id gone inside the shop, but theyd left quite smartly, even before Id finished my transaction with the sales lady. As wed pulled away, the GW had pronounced that hed judged them to be Special Branch plainclothes officers, and had said that more of them had emerged from the warehouse, before they all took off and left. Some sort of sting operation involving a gardening centre? And what on earth could have had those pale-skinned officers out in such numbers, if thats what they were? The one quick glance Id given them, had me thinking they were all around their mid-forties and fifties, almost as if theyd all gone to school together and were having some sort of reunion.. Cops? As much as Id love to work for the Sky Cops or the Police Interceptors, Id simply never make the grade, as Im unobservant to a fault, and it had taken my old man to point out the probability that they were policemen. There was some seriously hard-core crap inside ours this morning. Were YOU on shift at 6am? Id staggered out of bed at about 5.40am to a new and dull ache in one of my chubby knees. By 5.55am Id been seated at the desk when the lower back pinch had arrived, and it had made yesterdays effort seem like a practise run. Just whoTF would do that deliberately to anyone? Did I disappoint my Tormentors by continuing to shuffle about, albeit rather more gingerly and bent than usual, all the while air-whistling a Sousa march? Id even allowed myself to wonder where Id put those red and green capsules left over from our visit to the Trauma Unit, the pain had been that fierce. By 7.15am I was on Facebook and that horrific ache had completely disappeared, as if by magic. What and who had arrived at 6am to employ those excrutiating levels to assault me like that? Were several students ushered in at that early hour, or was it, as I suspect, simply a couple of peeved and veangeful twats, venting their spleen while they could? As bizzarely fond of them as Ive become, there is no means of rehabilitating either Balliram or Jesus Sunbeam up at No. 12, and that its a given that their superiors admire and encourage those cruel and inhumane characters to greater depths of depravity... Exaggeration? Are you kidding me? Peace. Sunday 13th July 2014 at 8.10am.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 06:15:03 +0000

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